House woes


Wait, wait, how did the meter being indoors ever pass inspection? As a northern Illinoisian (Chicago licensed), who has to deal with Com Ed, how did this get passed by the AHJ????

Just curious.


It was outdoors when property was built. I would guess that they created the mud room approximately 25-30 years ago. It has the old vertical siding and I think they put horizontal siding on the whole house when they put a small addition on in 1998.


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Aluminum wires are to the Poco. Still not sure what the yellow one next to it is for.
The yellow probably goes to a bond bushing on a rigid 90 entering the bottom of the meter pedestal/wireway

The meter is likely original to the house (79). The lug is dual 4/0 lugs are dual rated, maybe the meter is too...View attachment 2575828
What is this a photo of in post 21? You removed the nut from the stud to check the lug?