How can I make this work?????????

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Dont know any good books on PLCs.

But just buy a micro PLC (under $100 probably) connect up a couple of switches and lights to the inputs and outputs and start playing. Start simple. Just connect (logically!) an input to and output so you turn the switch and the light comes on. Try an inverter, an AND relay, an OR relay, build a three way, try to figure out which element makes "an operate to go on, an operate to go off" toggle thing. Discover the fun of timers and the different types. A weekend of playing and you'll see control problems in a whole different light!

Many of the micro PLCs you can program directly using the LCD and buttons on the front of the thing. Make sure you get the manufacturers instruction book on how to use the thing, which cann usually be downloaded from the web site, but unless you like printing out a couple of hundred pages, grab the real thing.

Where can one buy a 'micro' plc ?? Ive never even heard of one.


Senior Member
Where can one buy a 'micro' plc ?? Ive never even heard of one.

Have a look on the web at the Siemens Logo! micro-PLCs which I've used a fair bit, though not for a while it must be said. You're sure to have someone somewhere nearby who sells these little gizmos. If you look through the menus they even do a starter kit, with PC based programming, though frankly, for small jobs you doint need PC software to program them up.

Many other companiues make something similar.



Senior Member

If you added the top circuit in parallel to the second circuit, from CR, Door, to Door, well is that it?
Aren't they asking for master control, and all conditions are met?
Wait the CR is in there is this an interface, Duh....

Not sure why there is a Solenoid in front of a Coil. But ...
This is basically where you need to go.
No delay timers, no micro-PLC. KISS [Keep It Simple]
Start/Stop inside the cabinet. Stops when any door opens.
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