How do you guys do it?

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Some people will make a measuring stick to mark hole lines on studs. You can take a 3/4" piece of PVC. Drill a hole in it that a Sharpie will stick into then fast and easily mark the studs. Doesn't take more than a couple of mins with that method and does make your runs nice and straight.
I bought one of those spinny laser gadgets to layout receptacles for a tile wall once upon a time. I thought it would be pretty cool to use to make all my holes line up as I drilled them. I used it a few times, but it got to be pretty stupid. I can just park the drill at my hip and get pretty consistant holes. Not laser perfect, but good enough to be covered up. Sometimes, you can be too anal. Choose accuracy when it counts. Choose efficiency when it counts.
That's the same method I use. Here's what it looks like:


Looks good from my house!
480sparky said:
Looks good from my house!

Looks good from my house too. LOL

Right angle drill, extension bit, auger bit - pick a comfortable spot on your hip/upper thigh ladder required for a typical 8' ceiling ~ with the exception of wires running through joists.
on your thigh just under your pocket with your hand between your leg and the hole hawg. turn up the Ipod and rock and roll. Mount your boxes off top of your hammer which is equal to 16 in on center of box and pull wires. tape measure for switches and odd stuff. 250' rolls for me easy to handle. things they do not teach in school they don't drill holes and it is an art form. LMAO okay just plain hard work.
cschmid said:
...things they do not teach in school they don't drill holes and it is an art form. LMAO okay just plain hard work.

You'd be AMAZED what a sharp bit will do to a piece of wood ;)
celtic said:
You'd be AMAZED what a sharp bit will do to a piece of wood ;)

Had a "plumber" ask to borrow a bit the other day. The one he had... "Got this at a yard sale about a year ago." Why is it that some guys don't know the way to the hardware and or tool store?
bikeindy said:
Had a "plumber" ask to borrow a bit the other day. The one he had... "Got this at a yard sale about a year ago." Why is it that some guys don't know the way to the hardware and or tool store?

did you give him directions?
cschmid said:
I take my hat off to Harold that is a professional job there.

For the record, Harold provided the photos, but he was an inspector on the job, not the EC. That was R.F. Romano Enterprises.
A good trick stapling homeruns and wiring in general is staple one end, go to the other and snap it tight and staple it. Make sure you measure off of something to get a straight line on both ends. Next one beside that one and so on and so forth. When your done pulling all the wire you plan to go through there, get a handleful of staples and go back through and back staple them all. This keeps the wires from "walking" every four feet and I personally think it's faster. Works very well on trusses, a little trickier when stapling to the side of something :grin:
tallguy said:
For the record, Harold provided the photos, but he was an inspector on the job, not the EC. That was R.F. Romano Enterprises.
Thanks for the correct information.

tom that would be worth a good laugh to see, that is also good point.
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