How do you install this light?

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Senior Member
Tampa, FL, USA
Electrical Contractor
Anybody know how to install this thing? My client handed me a bag of them. It has a low voltage transformer. Not sure where the transformer goes. It needs a j-box for the power wiring. Can those leads go in a j-box? :? Is the whole thing supposed to go in a j-box?


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Anybody know how to install this thing? My client handed me a bag of them. It has a low voltage transformer. Not sure where the transformer goes. It needs a j-box for the power wiring. Can those leads go in a j-box? :? Is the whole thing supposed to go in a j-box?
Are those retrofits for can lights? If so the transformer would go in the can space and the wires would connect in the can j-box.
Are those retrofits for can lights? If so the transformer would go in the can space and the wires would connect in the can j-box.

No instructions. No packaging. They handed them to me just like you see it. There are not cans in this place. It's being renovated. The concrete ceiling has furring on it and will be drywalled. About 3/4" space to work with. I'm trying to convince them to make more space. Concrete is at 8' so not much space at all. Condos built for Hobbits I think.:)
I had asked the same question recently and not got much good in the way of reply, in my case told customer to send back and we installed Lithonia wafers instead

Also no instructions and maybe even no brand name, sorta wish I'd looked closer for UL marking
Either a jbox above the hard lid, and a hole like a retro can. Or gut an existing can and use the jbox and frame of it.
We used a number of them in eye doctor office lately.. acoustical ceiling works good. Wired tails into 4 squares. Those are the newest versions we got from rep.. we figured handy boxes secured as best we could.

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3/4 inch furring would not seem to even give enough room for the transformer. And with concrete no way to enlarge the cavity.
If no UL marking that you can verify, dump them. If they have a marking you may be able to track down more info through UL.
Possibly the black springs hold them in the drywall opening?

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Anybody know how to install this thing? My client handed me a bag of them. It has a low voltage transformer. Not sure where the transformer goes. It needs a j-box for the power wiring. Can those leads go in a j-box? :? Is the whole thing supposed to go in a j-box?
A week ago, the EXACT same thing happened to me. They were not UL Listed, and I remember they operated at a higher voltage than I expected. Pretty much impossible to make them up to code with the short leads they give you, and that's after ignoring the lack of listing. They don't dim, they don't mount very well, they make a lot of heat. I'd have them send them back.
You cut them directly into a drywall ceiling, sans can, but those arent going to work with 3/4" furring strips over concrete hard deck; no room for the driver. If you can mount the drivers remotely they might stand a chance.
Anybody know how to install this thing? My client handed me a bag of them. It has a low voltage transformer. Not sure where the transformer goes. It needs a j-box for the power wiring. Can those leads go in a j-box? :? Is the whole thing supposed to go in a j-box?
We have something that in my home office but it has a suspended ceiling and the transformer can go above that.
So if I was installing in a standard attic space would I: (1) make a hole in drywall and clip light in hole, (2) lay transformer on top of drywall, and (3) install a j-box next to hole inside attic and run transformer leads into j-box with a NM connector?
[h=2]How do you install this light?[/h]
very carefully. :lol:

made you laugh. tomorrow afternoon is miller time. enjoy.
I'm still not understanding answers

Run the cord that is input to driver through a strain releif of some sort (probably not romex connector but something with a gland) and wire nut to romex inside junction box?

this does not sound right.

Enclose driver in junction box so cord leaving driver (lo-volt) goes through notch in box?

Anyone have a picture of one already installed?
I really still don't think these should be installed in ceiling. Unless in a very large junction box with 6" hole cut for the light part to be able to mount with finish side through ceiling and back side is inside large junction box, for example, similiar to can light but much more expensive
My supplier has those as well as another type. The other one can be installed under a ceiling joist. Great for those jobs where you hit a joist or truss. Pops right in and it has a jb attached. Both are retro units

There is no way to install that can shown because you need a jb and the driver etc is probably more than 3/4"
the little xfrmer looks like it is ready for a cap, and those vary around the world.
it appears you need a outlet and a cap on that cord, plug 'er on in.
Saw some that looked a lot like that not long ago. HO bought them at some place called LED King. They were made in China, and not UL (or any other listing agency) listed. On this one, I opened up the little "driver" box and there was nothing in it -- the wire just ran straight through and was tied in a knot inside. So it would be feeding 120V power straight to the fixture. The wire had no markings or ID on it. Told them it was a great way to set fire to their house, and to return them and get their money back. They did, and bought a recessed can light, UL listed.
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