How do you read a metric ruler?

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Just wanted to mention about the Mix application.

My cousin had these people come in several years back to refinish her walls.
She went with a venetian finish (it really does look like marble).

Old plaster lathe (cracking) stuff.........I'm shaking my head to sink that kinda money into something that's going to crack.

The peruvian hit the cracks with the mix. they finished on top of that then hit it with car wax.

Still looks great..........who would have thought it.
How do you do that? Shave off the paper to taper the butt end?. If you do that, the screws (or nails for that matter) won't hold. They fasteners have to depress the paper and not tear it.

Come on. Give it up and enlighten us.

You make your butt fall between two studs, rather than on one.

Use a piece of plywood about 12" wide centred on the butt and a couple of drywall shims held back two inches back from the edge of each butt (4" back if you are using 5/8 rock) to make a divot or or a cove once everything is fastened together.

All of this gets screwed together and self supported by screw through the rock to the outside corners of the plywood, one screw to hold the shims in place, and a row of screws down the edge of each butt.
You make your butt fall between two studs, rather than on one.

Use a piece of plywood about 12" (300mm) wide centred on the butt and a couple of drywall shims held back two inches (50mm) back from the edge of each butt (4" back (100mm) if you are using 5/8 (16mm) rock) to make a divot or or a cove once everything is fastened together.

All of this gets screwed together and self supported by screw through the rock to the outside corners of the plywood, one screw to hold the shims in place, and a row of screws down the edge of each butt.

Well, this was about metric and seems to have gone completely off track. And, since I have not a clue what the post means is about or what it means.............
Well, this was about metric and seems to have gone completely off track. ...
What a surprise for this batch :p

... And, since I have not a clue what the post means is about or what it means...
Just another batch of very important skills required for industrial power generation and distribution.:angel:

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