How To Encase Conduit In Concrete

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where is that requirement in the code?

I'd say its implied. I wouldn't count it as "installed under 2" of concrete" when the concrete is pavers that someone can walk off with.

Since the inspector on this project is worried about a 5' run, I doubt he is going to allow pavers, but I could be wrong.
I'd say its implied. I wouldn't count it as "installed under 2" of concrete" when the concrete is pavers that someone can walk off with.

Since the inspector on this project is worried about a 5' run, I doubt he is going to allow pavers, but I could be wrong.

unless he can show something in a code that precludes it how will he not "allow" them?
and you would just go along with anything a mere inspector said was code? regardless of whether it really is or not?

No actually not. I just got done fighting one that I know the inspector is wrong about, but they still overruled it and at that point, yes we went along. We still have to do work in this area. And I don't really agree with you that putting chunks of concrete on top of the conduit is OK, but I do agree that you can parse the wording so that the intent is subverted (in my opinion). That is why many of the codes are so convoluted in the first place.
Perhaps it wasn't really a traditional sand and portland cement mortar. :blink:
That is my guess, once you mix water into the portland cement it is going to start the curing process and that is not reversible nor can it be delayed.
and you would just go along with anything a mere inspector said was code? regardless of whether it really is or not?

LOL. I wouldn't be "just going along" when I completely agree its not allowed :D

But even if I did think your patio pavers was acceptable, some things are worth fighting for, and some are just a waste of everyone's time and money. I would certainly consider this the latter.

The inspector and the AHJ get to interpret the code, not the contractor. Appealing, and climbing the latter should be the exception, not the norm for every spur of the moment quick fix idea like "I'll just drop some pavers over that conduit. The inspector has to allow that."
Though I don't really accept the patio paver idea either, where do you draw the line on size of any component of the cover is?

Even if under a "single pour" slab, they often get "control joints" cut into them, cut those joints every square foot and you sort of have similar thing as a "paver" constructed surface, only 2 inches thick may not be good especially if it gets vehicle traffic, but you also need additional cover anyway for applications where there is vehicle traffic.
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