How to verify existing parking lot light pole height

Native Americans had a very interesting and unusual way of seeing how high a tree was. They would bend over and look through their legs!

measuring the height of a tree
They would walk far enough from the tree to a find a place where they were just able to see the top of the tree (from their upside down position). The distance from this place to the base of the tree was approximately the height of the tree.

Does it work? Actually it does and the reason is rather simple. For a normal, fit and healthy adult (one who can bend over in such a way), the angle that is formed as they look through their legs is approximately 45 degrees. The angle between the tree trunk and the ground is fairly close to 90 degrees and, using what you know about the angles and sides of a triangle you can work out the height of the tree. The height of the tree and the distance from the tree to the person is about equal. Therefore, knowing the distance to the tree gives you a good idea about the height of the tree. It certainly saves having to carry heavy surveying equipment around.
Native Americans had a very interesting and unusual way of seeing how high a tree was. They would bend over and look through their legs!

measuring the height of a tree
They would walk far enough from the tree to a find a place where they were just able to see the top of the tree (from their upside down position). The distance from this place to the base of the tree was approximately the height of the tree.

Does it work? Actually it does and the reason is rather simple. For a normal, fit and healthy adult (one who can bend over in such a way), the angle that is formed as they look through their legs is approximately 45 degrees. The angle between the tree trunk and the ground is fairly close to 90 degrees and, using what you know about the angles and sides of a triangle you can work out the height of the tree. The height of the tree and the distance from the tree to the person is about equal. Therefore, knowing the distance to the tree gives you a good idea about the height of the tree. It certainly saves having to carry heavy surveying equipment around.
What did they use to measure distance to the tree?
'Two good old boys were standing around a flagpole, muttering, when a blonde carrying a tool box walked up.
"What's your problem boys?"
"Our boss wants us to measure the height of this flagpole, and we can't figure out how to do it."
"I can help you with that."
And she opens up her tool box, takes out a couple of wrenches, unbolts the pole, lays it on the ground and measures it.
"35 feet" And walks away.
"Isn't that just like a blonde. We need to know the height of the pole and she tells us the length!"
Stand next to the light pole and have a friend take a picture. Print the picture and use yourself as a scale. How tall are you, and how many of you tall is the light?
Boy Scouts have a method of height measurement w/o the camera printing part. stand someone of a known height against the pole . . .