How was this Passed?

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:D Update

Went back to sis to find some more info and here what what I found after a more thorough search


The yellow marked fuses is the hot water tank 30A

The fuse block (not marked) right above red marked block holds 2-30A cartridges for the Dryer.

The four white marks near the Neutral bar is the location of the hidden bus bar that supplies the left side of the panel, they are in-cased in black plastic. That why it was so hard to see.

The sub panel holds a 70A breaker but the box states 60A max breaker to be installed. Not to sure on this one, is it because the lugs are rated at 60A?

The right bottom fuse blocks got me baffled ( the fuse block is marked red as well as the #8 AWG wire red that is connected to it). The Blue marked block is for the stove and hold 2-40A cartridge fuses. When I pulled out the Red marked block to check the fuse amps, I was not shocked to see a 40A cartridge and a 60A cartridge in that block but what I still can not fathom is what the hell it is for????? The only big appliances is a stove and the water heat (which is the sub panel) and the #8 awg dark blue wire connected to the Red fuse block is alive and kicking but what does it supply? Wonder if next door neighbors had there stove power interrupted today :grin:

What can be some items that would require a #8AWG besides a stove?

No motors, no pools, no Air conditioning, just your basic run of the mil house.

My sis has now purchased a 200 cutl-hamm panel so the the fuse panel can go blow it self ( hope that wise crack wont be my first NO NO)

I like to have a crack at doing this replacement but Need the meter pulled and don't think POCO will come and up if I called lmao.

BTW well post pics of any future work I do or if come across any type of work that would make the devil do a happy dance.

Could there be another sub-panel elsewhere in the house? Shed, detached garage? Dock? You say there's no a/c, maybe there once was? Check for an exterior receptacle, might have back-fed a genset through that block.

Was there any load on that block?
why go through all the work or get your sis all worked up for a system that looks like it is in good condition..whenall that is really required is some good workmanship and wallah you have a nice install..Yet go for it..make sure your sis does not let you any beers until its done..
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