Im going to a viewing this afternoon....

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Senior Member
I found out this weekend that a co-worker from the company that I used to work for fell to his death from a bucket truck. Im not posting his name on here because as someone pointed out, friends or family may do an internet search and some people have harsh things to say about people who may or may not have been following safety precautions. This really hits home with me, I worked along side this man, in the same truck, and on the same structure he was working on many times. Please, everyone tether off...


Senior Member
Rhinelander WI
Sorry to hear about this tragedy. I think I read some where that 50% of all falls from 11 ft. and higher are fatal. I fell off a ladder last winter for the first time in 30 years. Fortunatly I was only 3 ft. off the ground. I went from being an electrician to being a physics demonstration in the blink of an eye. It hurt!!Knocked the wind out of me and left me with a black eye. It also was a wake up call to remember to never be casual when aloft. When you're up and down ladders all day, day after day, some times we forget that to do so has all the potential for tradgedy that sticking our hands in a panel does.Once again, sorry to hear of your loss. Be carefull out there guys!!


Staff member
Retired Electrician
My condolences to yourself, his friends, and family.



Senior Member
We lost a contractor here recently. Climbed up about 2' and tugged on something that gave way. Who would have thought 2' was too high?


Senior Member
Sorry for the loss. It should serve as a reminder for all of us. I know it does for me. And going up 2', even if your only 5'5" tall means the top of your head is now 7 1/2' to the ground. A 7' fall - your head to the ground, can be fatal. Hope all that read this thread bear it in mind. And in winter where outside work w/ ladders are set on icy ground that doesn't take much.


Senior Member
Northern illinois
I found out this weekend that a co-worker from the company that I used to work for fell to his death from a bucket truck. Im not posting his name on here because as someone pointed out, friends or family may do an internet search and some people have harsh things to say about people who may or may not have been following safety precautions. This really hits home with me, I worked along side this man, in the same truck, and on the same structure he was working on many times. Please, everyone tether off...

Its a hard object lesson but maybe a few people will learn of this incident and act a little safer.

jim dungar

Staff member
PE (Retired) - Power Systems
I think i heard it in a safety class, that falls are the top cause (or near to it) of injuries to electricians.


Senior Member
I got home a little bit ago...

I got home a little bit ago...

Got to see some old co-workers/ friends and catch up, wish it was under better circumstances. I got a little more info about what happend, the bucket truck is the type that uses cables to level out the two buckets as the angle of pivot on the boom changes, another worker was in the second bucket and says there was a loud "pop" noise and both buckets spun around backwards dumping both of them out, but he was able to grab onto somthing and pull himself up and crawl down the boom, thank God there isnt a second funeral.... I guess the truck is impounded and being inspected by OSHA, and there will be a report on exactly what went wrong mechanically. Im feeling pretty weird about all this, it really tore me up when I met his wife and daughters (one of which he just gave away at her wedding about a month ago) it really got to me seeing their faces trying to be strong....


Staff member
Simi Valley, CA
As I was reading this an email popped up that an inspector friend of mine had just passed away. I don't have the details yet, but I just saw him a couple of months ago at our California Electrical Inspectors Meeting.

Another Email just popped up.

Tim Owens Dies Suddenly
Timothy S. Owens, 59, died suddenly on Saturday, December 13. He had been taken to the hospital by emergency personnel on Wednesday and had suffered amassive stroke Friday night, slipping into a coma.
Tim was a member of IAEI North California Chapter and IAEI SouthwesternSection representative to IAEI International Board of Directors. He was employed as building inspector of the city of Santa Clara, California.
Our sympathy goes out to his wife, Ellen, and his children.
Please check the IO website for updates:


? 2008 IAEI Southern California Chapter
What sucks is even with new trucks, like a 65 ft. boom truck we use, the hydraulic lines have failed ,blowing fluid all over the place,and going from 65' the the ground is hair raising ,to say the to say the least,we also climb 150 ft .towers you tie off twice climbing towers get one shot be safe ...


Staff member
Simi Valley, CA
Sorry to hear of your loss too John. 59 is awefully young for a guy to go.

Yes it is.

Bob, that sure is a lousy way to catch up with old friends. When my uncle died I met relatives that I didn't even know I had and we all promised to keep in touch. That was several years ago and I've only spoken to a couple of them a couple of times and it's as much my fault as theirs.

Kind of make the saying, "love like you won't get hurt, dance like no one is watching and sing like no one can hear you", become much clearer.


Staff member
State Electrical Inspector (Retired)
...........we also climb 150 ft .towers you tie off twice climbing towers get one shot be safe ...

we? I'll just wait on you at about the 5 ft level if it's o.k.
This thread has pointed out enough losses for one day. We tend to forget it's a dangerous trade. Tragic!


Senior Member
Raeford, NC
Was talking with another elect. from one of our other shops today. He has a friend that works for a city doing traffic signal work. Yesterday he bumped a 7200v line with his back. Arc went in his left shoulder and came out is right arm. They had to amputate his right arm at the elbow. The guy will have a long road to recovery but this time he can recover.


Senior Member
Locally here a hunter was found dead at the base of his deer stand --the platform is 12 foot high --- it can happen--work and play safely !
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