Perhaps I should be using the term " A little slack in the wires" and not "Zig zagged wires" I understand electricians do many different types of electrical work. If you have worked mostly your own bussiness you may have not seen this. . But residential electricians that wire thousands of homes use this method every day.
NEC 110. 12 The practice gets passed to generations. But what I'm telling you and James is that this is the way electricians have been wiring millions of homes for 50 years at least. This is standard practice .
If you don't know how to use a UL listed product then I don't blame you for not using it.
As Fred stated .. "314.23(C) specifically allows a box mounted in a finished surface by clamps, anchors, or fittings
identified for the purpose. No mention of when permitted to use. If there was one it would be there I would think."
You all need to cut it out with the "what if's "