You spent a lot of money to bring this to life, I'll beat you'll didn't hire a Editor or a Press Agent. This looks like the best scientist or highest English lit. put this together, it's totally clear in their mind, but here I go.
What is ? The site is dead and various other typed try's didn't work!
I noticed you later applied >, in a later post. Is someone going to
correct this?
Is this literature of your product on the web page? Or is this the piece of paper that is in the box to be used as a 110.3 requirement for the qualified electrician to install by?
You later explained what your doing with all the various literature's. In the first OP
you linked it clearly states that you only need
?The controller interface is ANSI C136.10 twist-lock plug with optional receptacle for wire-in applications.?
Isn't this an either or situation; ?ANSI C136.10 twist-lock plug or with a optional receptacle
for wire-in applications.? OK, so besides my confusion of not knowing what a ANSI C136.10
was, through out you continually illustrated what looks like a Edison screw in plug.
So I'm confused does it come with one or both in every sale? The Specifications only spec the unit itself not the female cord plug.
So, I'll assume that it sells with a twist-lock female cord cap that has threads to attach
with a lock washer. You explained that otherwise in a later OP but again for me it's not
clear what I have exactly to work with. You need to list what a buyer is to get on every page, on the I-net, and on any packaging both inside and outside on the package.
The whole sheet looks like a bad technical manual. One doesn't center some titles and
then use other titles to the left. The first three sections should be changed up. If you don't feel the need for that at least change; put the Table of Contents to be under the title of Installation Manual. Put a new listing in the Table of Contents for Overview of your product. Put the word Overview over the 5-6 sentences. You can center to page the illustration that is floating to the hard right of page!
If the first group of sentences are not an overview than call it what you need to but I was ready to install, and I get all these statement that I wasn't ready for!
The big dot listing in CAPS should be first listing not second. If you want to make a statement then put it first.
One might want to explain the radio interfacing of the GPS, so the electrician understands.
If in fact that every 38 seconds a signal is received should you have any consideration
for test placement before permanently installing this item? I don't have GPS interface equipment is there an App for that? Well list one or two.
The technical illustrations are a big let down, why is that everyone feels that
small text on an illustration is better, plus you have various sizes of text through out.
You pasted the text onto the art work this doesn't reproduce well in mass printing.
If one makes a call out then a leader line and arrow why not put the arrow on the item one is calling out.
OK, so you later mention in another post using EL's, with the requirement of the antenna facing the correct direction. Will the spin of the device always align to proper direction.
Is there a rubber gasket supplied to make up difference? There is no dimensions supplied
should the installer consider some upset of EL or pipe leading to it. This probably won't sit correctly of a water proof box but we don't know that because the sold device nor the female cord cap is not listed or sized.
Is there a serial number to register the product?