Intresting situation with 3 way switches and junction box mystery

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attached the video where all wires are removed from both switches, both switches have hot black wire , while I was only expecting line blk wire to be hot on switch 1 box.

how 12/3 black wire on switch 2 is getting power ? since its live all the time

so what do you think on how to fix it also there should be some risk on current setup since its illegal. not sure still what current setup is actually doing.
how 12/3 black wire on switch 2 is getting power ? since its live all the time
The only possibility (presuming you're using a low-impedance tester, and not a non-contact tester) is that you're not looking at both ends of the same length of 12-3. There must be a box (maybe the light) where they meet up.
The only possibility (presuming you're using a low-impedance tester, and not a non-contact tester) is that you're not looking at both ends of the same length of 12-3. There must be a box (maybe the light) where they meet up.

Since there is no light or visible junction box in-ceiling (maybe there was in past), could it be getting power from one of the receptacles? if so, isn't it a shorting? (well not hot to neutral but hot to hot in this case)

i tried to trace the black hot wire at switch 2 using toner and i reached to one of the nearby receptacles which had two 12/2 wires in that box. both black hot ones were spliced together, should i split those and see if switch 2 power gets stopped?

or which wire should i trace using a toner to reach to load or hidden junction box in Celing in this case?
In the box with both cables, the 12-2 appears to be wire nutted together. That indicates a switch loop. Did you check for voltage on those wires?
What you need to do is find the voltage source for the black wires and the two wire nutted if they have voltage.
First thing to do is turn off the breaker to this circuit. See what all goes off when the breaker is off.
Then disconnect the wires from everything that you find is off. Separate the wires and turn the breaker back on and find the hot coming in, wherever that is. Could be in the receptacles, another switch box, or in a light somewhere.
Label the hot and neutral when you find it, then turn the breaker back off. Then take your toner and trace where the 12-3 blacks go. Actually, trace/tone each of the wires, including the 12-2.

You may need to use an extension cord , as was mentioned earlier, and make sure you have the correct hot and neutral.
Report back after you take these steps.
Both white wires from 12/2 and 12/3 at switch 1 are connected together via wire nut
Ron, you made this statement, then posted that video. I take this statement to say that the white wires from the 2 cables (12/2 and 12/3) are wire nutted together. Your video shows that to be false.

I think we are having communication errors.
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