Rattus...Those 2's and 1/2's were powers (superscript). I guess this forum doesn't support those, so it just translated them as plain text. Sorry about that, at least you knew what they were supposed to be. I'll use the little "^" symbol from now on to denote a power.
I'm not really sure what you mean by this is not phasor math. You can't technically add phasors without separating them into their real and complex components, which is what I did. Multiplying phasors is easy; magnitude times magnitude at an angle that equals the sum of their phase angles; division would be the dividend of the magnitudes with the phase angle being the difference between the minuend and the subtrahend. I'm not sure if you were referring to that, but it's a shot.
As to the use of a sound engineering reference, sound waves, being pressure waves, are exactly like electrical signals. They are longitudinal, meaning electrons move back and forth along the path of travel, not up and down, so to speak. Oh yeah....I'm not trying to prickle anyone here, but this talk just reminded me of a something to consider when you're arguing about whether a vector can have a negative value. I know some of you state that a magnitude can not be negative. That is correct. However, one can have a negative sign in front of that magnitude. The rule is that if you have a vector "r" at some phase angle, the magnitude of that vector is the absolute value of r. r can be negative; the magnitude of r can not.
This makes sense when considering compression and rarefaction waves (also longitudinal). If you consider a compression wave of magnitude "r" moving down a pipe (picture blowing on a pipe very quickly, and repeatedly), and specifying that compression (increased pressure) is positive, you would then have a vector of magnitude "r" at a phase angle of let's just arbitrarily say 90 degrees.
Now, if along side this pipe, there were an identical pipe, except something was sucking on it at exactly the same frequency and at the same strength, the waves would still travel in the same direction as if you were blowing into it. This wave would have a negative value at the same phase angle. The magnitude, or strength of the pulse would be identical, but in different directions, call it an inversion, a polarity reversal, whatever.