Isn't every inspector an instructor?

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dcspector said:
Thats just great......:-? I have worked with so called inspectors like that. How can a Building Dept. justify their egsistence?
you dont know how many rough inspections i had pass when the job was half finished and the boss called the inspector anyway :D one of the best inspectors ive seen was in cape cod. he spent about 2 hours on the job and looked at everything. people at work hate these kinds of inspectors and i believe this is the way it should be done.
KeithB_CEIS said:
I recall how much I learned from my first inspectors as a young electrician.

I have been a inspector sense 1988 and feel one of my main jobs is to educate my contractors and electricians.

I think your only job is to inspect. If that involves some OJT for the electricians involved, that is OK, but you are there to make sure they follow the rules, not to train them how to do so.
petersonra said:
I think your only job is to inspect. If that involves some OJT for the electricians involved, that is OK, but you are there to make sure they follow the rules, not to train them how to do so.
Agreed....all I need from an inspector is to enforce the NEC,,,,nuttin' but the NEC .....If yo do not know the NEC or just choose to make up rules all by youself, then you are not a part of the cure, but a part of the disease
Agreed....all I need from an inspector is to enforce the NEC,,,,nuttin' but the NEC .....If yo do not know the NEC or just choose to make up rules all by youself, then you are not a part of the cure, but a part of the disease

Are you saying that you know the code so much better than anyone else that you do not make mistakes?
I feel like an inspectors first priority is to inspect, but educateing others should be a close second. It is in all of our best interest for ecs to learn more.
Pierre C Belarge said:
Are you saying that you know the code so much better than anyone else that you do not make mistakes?

No, he's saying that he doesn't want an opinionated inspection, but rather one based solely on the NEC. That's all any of us want. You give me an "I want it this way" inspection and I'll give you a foot up your. . . . . .
Electrical Inspectors Should Inspect Using The Codes And Rules Adopted By The Municipality That They Represent. It's Their Job To Enforce Adopted Rules And Not Make Up Their Own. (vest Pocket Rules) As Far As Being An Instructor If Inspectors Leave A Brief Discription Of What Is Wrong And Cite What Code Section The Violation Is Under Exp Art 376.22 Number Of Conductors For Wireway Fill And Derating, This Will Help The Electrician Learn By Using The Code To Correct His Violation.
brantmacga said:
No, he's saying that he doesn't want an opinionated inspection, but rather one based solely on the NEC. That's all any of us want. You give me an "I want it this way" inspection and I'll give you a foot up your. . . . . .

I completely understand this...

Then you go and say something really stupid...
Spoken like a true idiot would.
Maybe you watch too many movies, because in real life that would never happen.
First Inspection

First Inspection

My first inspector happened to be the Executive Secretary for the Board of electricians in MA. I must say that he was outstanding at his craft. He sited me for a couple of issues, he actually had his code book with him and took the time to point them out and explain them.

I've also had the other type of inspector with the "my town syndrome". In these instances I always ask (respectfully) for code refrences to alleged violations and you would be surprised at how many times the response is "thats just the way I want it done".

on the other hand it must be awfully frustrating to be an inspector and come to a jobsite to sign off on the rough wiring when boxes are still being cut in.

Pierre C Belarge said:
I completely understand this...

Then you go and say something really stupid...
Spoken like a true idiot would.
Maybe you watch too many movies, because in real life that would never happen.

Woah, Pierre, that's pretty harsh. Did the rhetoric strike a little too close to home?:grin:
It is pathetic when someone on this site says he will put his foot where it was mentioned he would put it.

The absolute definition of moron comes to mind.

I completely understand what it is like to deal with inspectors who do not know the code and/or want it their way. Remember I worked in the field for more than 20 years.
I don't necessarily think it's the inspectors duty to teach, but on the other
hand 'Cause I said so' doesn't help any one. Tell me what references I need to review to improve the quality of my work. Some times I forget or I might have a bad habit that has never been brought to my attention.

The Master Electricians Job is to teach, inspect his own crews work and operate a successful business. The Journeyman's Job is to teach and execute the plan and keep the boss in business. The apprentice's job is to be the sponge. Learn from everyone. Good and bad and learn from both what to do and not.

Larry I have worked for several Municipalities and you are correct. Maybe that's why I have worked for several.....and soon to leave another.....They just do not care or stress education amongst the staff....way to complacent for me.

And you guys made the newspaper "Washington Post", the big time. You leaving the area??????

There is one inspector I was fortunate to have met, he permitted me to take my JW license early if I made 100% on the test and later I took a NEC master course from him. Other than this one guy, I have to say while I have had the privilege to work with some fine inspectors few have little to educated me. I have always made sure I knew what I needed to know before they arrived and in any cases had to educate them.
In My Opinion

In My Opinion

I think we are all students in this trade.
I think we are all teachers, as well.

"Gratitude should move forwards, rather than backwards. In other words, I pay back those who helped me, by helping others" WGW
A Thorough Inspection By A Qualified Compentent Inspector Gives Assurance To The Customer And The Electrical Contractor That The Job Is Code Complient When An Approval Sticker Is Left. A Good Inspector Does Not Design Jobs But May Ask Questions Making The Inspection That Might Help The Installer To Rethink Their Tehnique Or Type Of Material Used.
I'm thinking that the "foot in the waahwooh" was just a figure of speech. I doubt if he would really do that to an inspector, no matter how deserving said inspector was.
Pierre C Belarge said:
I completely understand this...

Then you go and say something really stupid...
Spoken like a true idiot would.
Maybe you watch too many movies, because in real life that would never happen.

i'm still looking for the emoticon that has tears coming out of the eyes. . .

i don't consider myself a badass, but i'm in no way joking when i say i don't put up w/ BS out of an inspector who's trying to take $$$ out of my pocket just because his opinion differs from mine.
The more I think about it, the more I am convinced this is a bad idea. Inspectors are there to insure the work meets the code the local AHJ has established. That has to be their only job.
petersonra said:
The more I think about it, the more I am convinced this is a bad idea. Inspectors are there to insure the work meets the code the local AHJ has established. That has to be their only job.

I agree but a little conversation in both direction eases any possible future issues.
Electrical inspector " You know it might be better if those conductors were in conduit in lieu of just slinging them over the racks."

Electrician 'Wow that's a neat idea I might try that next time"
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