junction box in attic-inspector question

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Mike answer me this ,..why is a ceiling tile in a suspended ceiling not part of the building ?? and if it is do you allow j- boxes above said tile ?

314.29 Boxes, Conduit Bodies, and Handhole Enclosures to Be Accessible.
Boxes, conduit bodies, and handhole enclosures shall be installed so that the wiring contained in them can be rendered accessible without removing any part of the building or, in underground circuits, without excavating sidewalks, paving, earth, or other substance that is to be used to establish the finished grade.

Exception: Listed boxes and handhole enclosures shall be permitted where covered by gravel, light aggregate, or noncohesive granulated soil if their location is effectively identified and accessible for excavation.
So it is left up to me to simply assume that you cannot prove your stance using the NEC.
Copied from post 145
Panel Statement:
The panel continues to reject the proposal because the NEC
does not allow boxes to be installed in an area hidden by structural features.

The panel makes the statement that no box can be hidden by the building features.
Blown insulation in the attic is one of the buildings features plain and simple. This is and has been the stance of the code panel for more years that we are old.
are building features the same as structural features?
That is for out door boxes

I realize that. I was trying to be sarcastic. It is pretty amazing that we can have a thread that is approaching the 200 mark on moving or not moving attic insulation. I still stand by my post on replacing the attic insulation with gravel, light aggregate, or noncohesive granulated soil. In these tough economic times maybe we can all start growing mushrooms in the attic. Just add a little compost and fertilizer both which could be taken from this thread ;), drag up the hose every other day or so and presto! You now have a little extra income when you sell them babies at the local farmers market next weekend. Thanks for listening.
I realize that. I was trying to be sarcastic. It is pretty amazing that we can have a thread that is approaching the 200 mark on moving or not moving attic insulation. I still stand by my post on replacing the attic insulation with gravel, light aggregate, or noncohesive granulated soil. In these tough economic times maybe we can all start growing mushrooms in the attic. Just add a little compost and fertilizer both which could be taken from this thread ;), drag up the hose every other day or so and presto! You now have a little extra income when you sell them babies at the local farmers market next weekend. Thanks for listening.

Now that's funny!:grin:
They'd grow good with Mike's fertilizer he's been talking on this thread
OK, once again...
I'm not real clear on what you are saying. Are you trying to say the picture you posted was NOT A COVER PLATE?

Perhaps it was some kind of INSULATING MATERIAL/GASKET THAT GOES BEHIND THE COVER PLATE instead of an actual cover plate? Perhaps we can find out one day. :grin:
I know that it is the mentality of some of the members of this forum to enforce their argument by trying to belittle their opponent during a debate such as this one. Well to them I simply say your actions speak loudly to a lot of people.
I certainly poked fun at the idea. But please don't take what I have posted to mean I'm belittling you, but there is no doubt that I was belittling the idea of it being wrong to move insulation.

You might be a great guy otherwise. I am not judging you, nor do I think I should, but I am judging what you posted. Poking fun is mostly for the humor of the situation. As you might surmise, it does little to bring facts to the debate, but it does tend to convey how strongly a person might feel about their position. It can also help to paint a picture with some brighter colors so the picture stands out a little more.

The facts have pretty much been laid out and I could offer little more than to repeat those facts or to convey what side of the debate I was on. My ridicule of the idea should leave no doubt that I am not on the fence with this one but am far to one side.

If I said something that may have been taken as a personal slight: that was not my intention. I work with some great guys that I think a lot of, but we often josh with each other about things we don't agree on, not to belittle each other but just in good-natured fun debate.
I'm not real clear on what you are saying. Are you trying to say the picture you posted was NOT A COVER PLATE?

Perhaps it was some kind of INSULATING MATERIAL/GASKET THAT GOES BEHIND THE COVER PLATE instead of an actual cover plate? Perhaps we can find out one day. :grin:

I think it's a clock radio.

No, wait......, it's an Evinrude outboard boat motor.

I got it........ it's a wedding ring.

Scratch that........... it's really an original GI Joe 'action figure'.

No, Aaaahnie's got it........ it's an espresso machine. A snow cone maker? A water heater? No? Then it must be Soviet-built single-warhead SS-22 ICBM with a 30-kiloton nominal yield.
must be in sight

must be in sight

Was having to add boxes in attic on a fire damage and inspector said i had to keep them high so could be above insulation. And I thought I also have read it in code but the other replies dont seem to support this . I do know local ahj can call you on it. im in favor of it myself because it is near impossible to trouble shoot the hidden boxes
Was having to add boxes in attic on a fire damage and inspector said i had to keep them high so could be above insulation. And I thought I also have read it in code but the other replies dont seem to support this . I do know local ahj can call you on it.

Based on......

Let's start all over! :D
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