Just a rant on quality of tools

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quogueelectric said:
The little fm radio is pretty cool. For my own tools I use almost exclusively milwaulkee. Bosch for cs20 circular saw and Bosch jigsaws are awesome. Milwaulkee angle drill, hole shooter, hole hawg and drumroll please.......Super hawg. Hitachi slide mitre 8 1/2 Dewalt slide mitre 12 inch. Rigid 10" laser tilesaw Mostly senco and porter cable nailguns. Hilti for all fastening powder and gas and hammerdrills. Paslode for run of the mill nailing framer and trim. I sound like an ebay store. Blue rhino co2 regs for portable air and filling tires when needed. I am never at a loss for tools.
i think you need more tools
tonyou812 said:
this isnt ment to be a jab at you larry but when was the last time you were really in the trenches?
If you rephrase the question, I'd be happy to answer it. What do you mean by "in the trenches?"
quogueelectric said:
It is embarasing to use them so noone steals them

This attribute is invaluable, and perhaps why no one ever stole my 12v Makita, my ugly truck, or tools & wallet inside truck. The land lord can't sell my ugly-rental house either.
ramsy said:
This attribute is invaluable, and perhaps why no one ever stole my 12v Makita, my ugly truck, or tools & wallet inside truck. The land lord can't sell my ugly-rental house either.
You misunderstand my intention. I am trying to say that they are the best bang for the buck yet they have issues which are usually worked out in the field. I actually like the stuff yet they do have thier limitations. Hey you leave your wallet in your truck?? You wouldnt do that in NY for long.
LarryFine said:
If you rephrase the question, I'd be happy to answer it. What do you mean by "in the trenches?"
Well maybe it was presumptuous of me but for some reason you seem to be more like a desk jockey to me. Dont mind me I had a really tough week and its just the Jim Beam talking. And I think I might have passed you in the most censored member. I am just irritated that I spent alot of money on tools thinking that they will be worth it and they turn out to not be what I thought.
tonyou812 said:
Well maybe it was presumptuous of me but for some reason you seem to be more like a desk jockey to me. Dont mind me I had a really tough week and its just the Jim Beam talking.
No problem. I assure you I am a hands-on hard-working electrician, but I take your desk-jockey comment as a compliment. I try to think harder and work easier, and that includes using the right tool for the job.
LarryFine said:
No problem. I assure you I am a hands-on hard-working electrician, but I take your desk-jockey comment as a compliment. I try to think harder and work easier, and that includes using the right tool for the job.
I kinda pictured you sitting behind a big mahogany desk counting money like Bob (iwire)lol ;)
We bought a piece of test equipment $48,000.00 in the first 6 months it was in need of repair 5 times. Try explaing to a hospital facility manager that has just spent 3 months coordinating an outage, installing temporary and preparing for this with all staff on overtime that you can't do the job as the equipment just took a dive 10 minutes into the job. Utility had dropped power.

Lost revenue.
Lost credibility.

Additionally repair takes up to a week which means more LOST REVENUE.
ItsHot said:
Milwaukee was bought out by someone?:confused: Maybe Vermont American, or Ryobi??? ...help me here!:grin:

ramsy said:
Since Ryobi acquired Milwaukee, all yall Milwaukee studs became the proud owner's of Ryobi guts with the Milwaukee name.


Thanks! Ryobi!! I have a couple of these. One small cordless drill and the mini-driver, after hearing guys here rant about one!! It seems that various manufactures have one good line of one particuliar tool but not the best of everything. I like Dewalts corless stuff, but have not had any luck with their 120v cord products. Milwaukee makes the best angle drill.. etc., etc.:smile:
Wow OP I'm really surprised you hate the 28v Milwaukee drill that much. I have it and love it. It's not real heavy, lots of power, durable, the battery lasts a long time even when using the rotor hammer, and I love the battery charge indicator lights. Saved me many trips back to the van. I agree with you about the poor quality of other tools but not on the Milwaukee 28v drill.
ItsHot said:
Milwaukee was bought out by someone?:confused: Maybe Vermont American, or Ryobi??? ...help me here!:grin:


peter d said:
Not exactly. The parent company of Ryobi, TTI, purchased Milwaukee among other brands. Milwaukee is still a stand alone brand, although I'm sure they are using some cross-cooperations between product lines.
I have a Makita 18 vt. drill/driver that I love. I recently purchased a small Milwaukee driver(12vt ) and I love it. I can install outlets and switches all day on one battery.:smile:
ItsHot said:
What about Ole' Milwaukee?:grin:
I remember those commercials! :)

"It's not Ole Milwaukee, it's Old Milwaukee!"

"I'd wager the brewmasters 'ave a little bit o' Irish in 'em!"
iaov said:
I have a Makita 18 vt. drill/driver that I love. I recently purchased a small Milwaukee driver(12vt ) and I love it. I can install outlets and switches all day on one battery.:smile:
We use these dudes for device installations, panel makeups, just about everything:

I am the proud and happy owner of a 3 year-old 4-piece DeWalt 18V XRP set.

I have seven batts. One caught fire once and the DeWalt service center in town gave me a new one. I used to "flashlight" them to drain them completely but now I follow the manufacturer's recommendation and charge them as soon as I detect less than optimum performance.

Last year, while 4" hole sawing through plywood (building a form for a XFMR pedestal), the "clamshell" case broke from the awesome torque this drill motor makes. I bought the part (~$15) and replaced it myself.

I burned up the trigger 3/4" holesawing emergency ballast enclosures. I bought a new trigger (~$50) which lasted 2 months. I bought brushes, motor leads, and another trigger. That was in April and I haven't had any problems since. I still use the hammer drill function for tapcons, but now I only drill the 1/4" pilot for holesaws, and use the company's (very nice/perfect speed) 1/2" makita 120V drill.

I've gone through all seven batts in one shot sawzall cutting an enclosure. No problems with the reciprocating saw.

Dropped the flashlight once, gave me an excuse to buy 2 lamps.

Hardly use the circ saw. Thinking about buying a metal cutting blade or cut-off wheel for it.

I've picked up my coworkers ryobi, milwaukee, ridgid, etc. but my DeWalt fits me like a glove
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