Just to clarify.

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mivey said:
... I really like my 41CX, 48SX, 49G, 20S :)
A quick interlude before we get back at it. Its probably time to replace my 42 - it's so old I think I have changed the batteries four times. I suspect everything I use is on all the models, so convenient access to natural logs, e^x, complex math, complex matricies, at least a couple of display lines ,polar-rectanguar conversion, D.M.S-decimal degrees-radians conversion, trig, hyperbolic trig. Never had much use for graphing, programming, statistical, finacial

So what would you recommend I get - yes, it will be an RPN.

coulter said:
A quick interlude before we get back at it. Its probably time to replace my 42 - it's so old I think I have changed the batteries four times. I suspect everything I use is on all the models, so convenient access to natural logs, e^x, complex math, complex matricies, at least a couple of display lines ,polar-rectanguar conversion, D.M.S-decimal degrees-radians conversion, trig, hyperbolic trig. Never had much use for graphing, programming, statistical, finacial

So what would you recommend I get - yes, it will be an RPN.

The 50g baby!

The programming is just a must for making things easy, like crunching any size matrix you want. Even a symbolic matrix! You can download most of these programs off of user group sites.

I have bundles of programs I have written over the years. It is also one of those geeky things you can do in your spare time.
coulter said:
...Never had much use for graphing, programming, statistical, finacial...
For a simple scientific, I use the 20S or the 33. The 35 would probably be the choice since it is the newer model.
coulter said:
This is Carls wife I ordered him one thank you for your input
My wife will buy me what I want at Christmas, Anniversary, and B-Day. The rest of the time, I'm on my own. Cheers to you!
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