labor savings

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i dont think wearing a tool pouch is labor saving. I think using 1 tool for multiple tasks is labor saving. so i carry about 3-4 tools in my back pockets and a tape measure at the side and my bag isnt to far away if i really need something for a certain task. i own a tool pouch but i think if i had to wear it, it would slow me down by carrying more weight and wasting time digging for the tool i need thats stuck in the bottom.
I wear full-fledged tool bags everywhere I go, even service calls (unless I'm crawling). I've spent several years refining what tools I have in it and I've more or less settled on several that I use all the time. It's also handy having access to a random assortment of wire nuts, screws, staples, etc.

I don't feel that it bogs me down any. I have a set of tool bag suspenders so my hips don't wind up aching after hauling them around all day. I think that I use every tool in there often enough to justify hauling it around. All the not-as-common tools are in my tool box usually sitting in the van.
I carry what I need for the task.

If I'm roping a house, I start with a tape measure and a marker. Once I mark all my switches, I start nailing boxes with a hammer.

Then the drill comes out. I drill the entire house.

Then I get out the NM. A pair of strippers in the back pocket is all I need.

With everything pulled, I put on the pouch full of staples and a hammer.

When all is stuffed and stapled, I carry strippers, 9kliens and wire nuts.

On commercial, if I'm running pipe, I have the tape measure, reamer, connectors, couplers, straps & screws.
so what about you material wire nuts,connectors ground screws, etc. you guys just jam all that in your pockets too.

i use a nail apron to carry those things. I also carry staples in the nail apron.

and I'm usually always wearing my tool belt. If I don't, its guaranteed I'm going to need something I didn't bring in.

I use the back-pocket approach occasionally. I like having a lot of tools right there on my side.

Standard tool pouch setup for me;

6" phillips, flat, & robertson; 10" narrow tip flathead, NM 14-12 strippers, lineman's, dike's w/ crimp tool, adjustable wrench, 1/2-1" reamer, 10-in-1 klein screwdriver, stubby 1/4, stubby flathead, hammer, mini-sharpie, pencil, tape measure, elec tape, box cutter, folding knife, safety glasses, & earplugs. Its very rare that I need another hand tool besides what's in that pouch on the typical job.
I've found that often times it's difficult to crawl around under houses or in attics with tool bags or aprons on... it's also kind of hard to stick stuff in your pockets (tool handles get hung up in tight spots, cable staples impale you, hard to fumble around for stuff..)

We came up with a solution by accident.. went to the grocery store for lunch one day, grabbed one of those plastic hand baskets... took it through the self-checkout stand and walked right out the door without even noticing that I still had the basket. Whoops. :rolleyes:

Anyway, the next day I had to spend some time under a house... the basket was still in the van... so I piled all my crap into it. Tools, materials, wire, everything. I tied a short piece of rope to it so now I can just drag it around with me. Works out pretty slick.
Even though this is the NEC section of the forum, I'm still waiting for someone to give me the code that prohibits or permits this method of work. Why is that?

Anyway, I used to wear a tool pouch as soon as I left the truck. Then I got too old ...or something... and now I try think ahead exactly the tools I need if I plan my job well, use those tools and do that portion of the job that requires them, and then go on to the next part of the work. My motto is work smarter, not harder.

Still If I'm throwing down smaller sizes of EMT, I'll wear the tool belt, then its the only way.
I've tried using the "back pocket" approach a few times, but i always end up needing something i don't have.

I wear a tool belt 99% of the time. 4" small tip, 6" large tip screwdrivers, ratcheting screwdriver w/philips and spare bits in handle, channel locks, klein 2000 linemans, 6" needlenose, diags, wire strippers, utility knife, 6" awl, tape, fluke non-contact tester, tape measure, hammer if I know I will need it.

To help balance it out i have a 4 pocket nail pouch on the other side. Wire nuts (twisters & greenies), staples, misc. screws, sometimes a romex connector or 2 depending on what i might be doing.

Suspenders to keep it all balanced.
Don't like tool hard on the back. I carry a stand alone tool bag I can set on the floor and take out what I need for a particular job and put it in my pockets.
..............Anyway, I used to wear a tool pouch as soon as I left the truck. Then I got too old ...or something... and now I try think ahead exactly the tools I need if I plan my job well, use those tools and do that portion of the job that requires them, and then go on to the next part of the work. My motto is work smarter, not harder.

Still If I'm throwing down smaller sizes of EMT, I'll wear the tool belt, then its the only way.

That shows your experience. I was always told in my younger days that the 'well-seasoned' electrician could work all day with tools and material in his back pocket. A pair of 9kliens, strippers and a screwdriver could get 95% of the work done.
All depends on what your doing. I did residential for many years. To do a roughin
#1 lay it out if custom, only need crayon and tape
#2 box it, hammer cut to 12 inches
#3 drill it, only need drill no other tools
#4 pull the wire. klines or wire strippers, sharpie in pocked (1 black 1 red)
#5 staple everything, apron and hammer
#6 now take apron with wire nuts ,klines in rear tool box and strippers in hand ,10 in 1 in other rear tool box.

Why would i needed a tool pouch ?
trim time carry small box and pick up mess at same time.

bottom line is do what works best for you.

commercial usually is one task at a time .

service call you need the full set atleast with you. Pouch stays on if they have rug rats.
I go back and forth between the tool belt and apron depending on what I'm doing. On a long term construction job a tool cart or even a regular shopping cart works wonders in saving some steps.
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