Landing stranded wire on screw terminals

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I am going to be honest here and tell you straight out many of you would not be happy with how many of my stranded wire connections look. Yet they work fine carrying full loads.

I think we tend to get far to caught up in theses tricks to make a good electrical connection when all you really need to do is make it mechanically secure. A few messy strands sticking out does not mean the electrical connection is poor. Electricity has no eyes to be offended by it. ;)

If it really bothers the installer I recommend specifying back wire pressure plate devices.
The trick to tinning the ends of stranded is to not let any part tinned get under the screw. Strip an inch, and tin the first half inch of it. Put the untinned other half inch around the screw and use needle nose pliers to squeeze and hold it till the screw is tightened. (of course being this is the professional forum that it is, I know I don't need to mention using a tork screwdriver here because of course everyone here tightens all screw terminals using one ... right? ...) :ashamed1:
Put the untinned other half inch around the screw and use needle nose pliers to squeeze and hold it till the screw is tightened.
I do something similar with un-tinned in that I tighten the native twist with a turn of the wrist as I wrap around the screw and hold the end under the screw head with my thumb or finger until tightened. Besides the occasional stabbing it works just fine.
Thank you, personally I am am a CCW twister and have no problem terminating, but I use far more stranded than solid so I am used to it.

About 50/50 for me and I have tried the CCW method as suggested on these forums but I just do not see that much of a difference.
What's wrong with spade lugs? In the nuclear industry, we were never allowed to use stranded wire without lugs. Safety and reliability is a BIG deal! Takes little time and works great. All I use when terminating strands under a screw. All my experience is utility or industrial, though.
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