I recived a complaint from a customer.He is not happy that i charged him for 2 1/2 hrs. and the problem is not fixed.I posted about this job a couple of days ago.I was troubleshooting the guy's fart fan,light over the toilet,light over the sink and a outlet.I explained to him this would be a hourly charge and i didn't know how long it would take.I admit it doesn't feel right charging somebody when i haven't fixed the problem.He wants me to just charge him for one hour and refund the rest,and he'll never call me again.When he told me to stop because of the time it was taking,he said how can i charge him when you haven't fixed it, i explained that you can't afford me to keep looking for the problem,i will find the problem i just need more time.So i'm probley going to refund some of his money back and figure out how to keep this from happening again.Any advice?Also how do you go about charging for troubleshooting?I'm thinking about making a troubleshooting contract that explains exactly that i am charging by the hour,and if you tell me to stop you will be charged even if the problem is not fixed.Thank you for your help.P.S plus this is a couple in there sixties so i really feel bad.I just want them to be happy,and to know that in no way was i trying to rip them off.
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