Esteemed Member
Go Ebony, GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go Ebony, GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am glad that this last remnant of racist discrimination is now on the trasheap of history!
Electrcial trade for a colorblind society, Unite!
Go Ebony, GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Minuteman said:The manager of a large Wholesaler told me today that Leviton is going to discontinue Ivory devices and wall plates. He said that all locations of their supply houses are packing up their remaining stock and shipping them back to the warehouse. He said that he has increased his supply of Light Almond.
I know that some of y'all have said how much you prefer P&S, I wonder if this is a beginning of a trend?
I am glad that this last remnant of racist discrimination is now on the trasheap of history!
Electrcial trade for a colorblind society, Unite!