Leviton to disconnetinue Ivory

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Go Ebony, GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go Ebony, GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Minuteman said:
The manager of a large Wholesaler told me today that Leviton is going to discontinue Ivory devices and wall plates. He said that all locations of their supply houses are packing up their remaining stock and shipping them back to the warehouse. He said that he has increased his supply of Light Almond.

I know that some of y'all have said how much you prefer P&S, I wonder if this is a beginning of a trend?

I am glad that this last remnant of racist discrimination is now on the trasheap of history!:D

Electrcial trade for a colorblind society, Unite!:cool:
Sierrasparky said:
I'm with you. It's not that I like ivory. It's that a lot of homes here use a lot of natural wood products. Almond is a bit too light for that. Have any of you ever wired a log home. White really clashes with the rustic nature of the logs. Unless the designer chooses a dark stain on the wood black or brown are out.

So are we going the way of communisim or something
I remember the days when they charged extra for White..........:roll:
i do a lot of work with wood like that. ivory on a light stained board looks really nice. i wish they wouldnt get rid of it. maybe its just a hoax to get people to buy more of them. maybe lutron will add ivory to there keychain of fancy colors
peter d said:
I think the supply house guy was telling you a bunch of hogwash. Leviton's press releases revealed no such information about ivory being discontinued.
Okay, egg on my face. :confused:

I was in that supply house again today. They were busy boxing up all the ALMOND stuff. I asked the manager guy, "What gives"? He says that, "Our purchasing agent made the call to stop buying Almond, and only stock ivory, white and LIGHT Almond in the Leviton brand". It's to confusing having ALMOND and LIGHT Almond.

"Dude, you said Ivory yesterday".

"No I didn't, I said Almond".

"Did too".

"Did not".

"Did too"!

"Did not"!

"Did too"!

"Did not"!

"Did too"!

"Did not"!

"Did too"!

"Did not"!

"Okay, whatever...

...Did too". :roll:
Minuteman said:
Okay, egg on my face. :confused:

I was in that supply house again today. They were busy boxing up all the ALMOND stuff. I asked the manager guy, "What gives"? He says that, "Our purchasing agent made the call to stop buying Almond, and only stock ivory, white and LIGHT Almond in the Leviton brand". It's to confusing having ALMOND and LIGHT Almond.

"Dude, you said Ivory yesterday".

"No I didn't, I said Almond".

"Did too".

"Did not".

"Did too"!

"Did not"!

"Did too"!

"Did not"!

"Did too"!

"Did not"!

"Did too"!

"Did not"!

"Okay, whatever...

...Did too". :roll:

"....Dude! You said Ivory!.....I started a whole broo ha ha on the internet and you made me get egg on my face."

"You said Ivory, not me."

"Dude, Don't make me angry.....You said Ivory!"
View attachment 1991
stickboy1375 said:
I think half the room color choices people pick look like junk....:grin:
Checked on a job my guys did this week. Purple walls, dark wood floor, yellow ceiling, blue and chrome ceiling fan. Mmmmmm, those ivory plates look SO good. :roll:
Minuteman said:
Checked on a job my guys did this week. Purple walls, dark wood floor, yellow ceiling, blue and chrome ceiling fan. Mmmmmm, those ivory plates look SO good. :roll:

I would have went with red devices on that one, maybe with chrome coverplates....
Minuteman said:
Checked on a job my guys did this week. Purple walls, dark wood floor, yellow ceiling, blue and chrome ceiling fan. Mmmmmm, those ivory plates look SO good. :roll:

And you didn't take pix?!?!?!? :cool:
Lutron gave me a keyring with probably 50 plastic color samples on it of all their colors. I still think this business of Ivory being discontinued is a fable.
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