Leviton to disconnetinue Ivory

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Minuteman said:
Checked on a job my guys did this week. Purple walls, dark wood floor, yellow ceiling, blue and chrome ceiling fan. Mmmmmm, those ivory plates look SO good. :roll:

Does Lutron offer something in plum?
Let's not forget the option where you put in all the devices and they just spray the room, devices and all, one color.

Problem solved.

Once you operate the switches a few times, any stickiness is pretty much not an issue anymore.

:roll: :cool:
frizbeedog said:
Well, with that many colors going on in there, they may think the ivory is awesome.

Some people still like ivory...I don't happen to be one of them, but you gotta keep the customer satisfied. :)
peter d said:
Some people still like ivory...I don't happen to be one of them, but you gotta keep the customer satisfied. :)

Exactly. I learned the hard way that I'm not an interior designer.

Hence, one of the reasons for my signature. :grin:

Friz, keep your mouth shut!
frisbeedog said:
Well, with that many colors going on in there, they may think the ivory is awesome.

....the "eye of the beholder" kinda thing. :smile:
This was one of our insurance jobs. Car hit the house. Tore up the front wall. Every room has cracks, so new paint. I just figured ivory because that is what was there (and all white walls). I had no idea there was going to be a different color in ever room.
I went to a supply house open house today and lutron and levition were there. They both have a ton of colors available now. I also asked leviton if they were discontinuing Ivory and he said no and one of the samples they had out was Ivory. He said the Ivory sells about as much as brown now days, but they won't be getting rid of it.

He also told me that the only reason they started making light almond is because of lutron. Now they both have tons of colors available.
electricmanscott said:
For those of us with any sense of good taste, ivory going away would be a good thing. :grin:

Light Almond is in my opinion nicer than standard almond.

I actually like Ivory - got it in my house. And I like LA much better than almond.

But I can count on one hand the number of houses that I've done in the past 12 years that were not white.
DIRT27 said:
He also told me that the only reason they started making light almond is because of lutron. Now they both have tons of colors available.
This whole thread got off on the wrong foot, as my supply guy must have miss spoke (or I miss heard). :rolleyes: Anyway, the supply company's purchasing agent sent back all the Almond, and they will only carry light almond in the Leviton brand. It's all good.
How stupid. There are still billions of ivory devices in use that will need to be replaced, and not everyone is going to buy an entire color upgrade for one bad outlet or switch. Maybe Cooper and P&S will fill the void with ivory if Leviton won't. well you can always hire a faux artist they do alot of that in aspen co
Minuteman said:
Ivory is here to stay, but I think it's time for this thread to go away.
Indeed. But if I have any hope of having the last word, I'd like to say that I want to see a house where every device is Orange and/or Blue :D

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