Living under transmission lines?

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Imagine how happy these transmission lines made this Self-Storage mogul, renting space that costs close to nothing for maintaining the easement space.

View attachment 18064

That could be 1MV directly overhead. If a line came down nothing would survive. Lots of these businesses in the Disneyland area doing this, mostly landscape nurseries with tents underneath. This is the first occupied building I've seen like this. Maybe the power company gets a piece of the action.

Looks like 138 or 230kv on the large tower and 69kv on the smaller. 1MV would much, much larger and yes they exist :eek::eek:


However, county told AT&T (contrary to height/property line law) they wanted the tower next to the street (county can arbitrarily change their own rules is seems) so that any future development could plop in 20 houses vs 10 houses to fuel county property tax base!
"Rate payers per mile" is a term I am hearing a lot around Austin relating to the proposed overhaul of the zoning laws.
since this thread came back... cell tower electric field sideline ...

AT&T did all the surveys, etc on my back yard (3 acres) for a 150 ft cell tower -- in the center of 'back yard' to stay the height of tower away from property lines.

About $1500 a month for 25 years, great deal.

OK, sez I, don't see any cost risk disadvantage to the GHz fields from the tower.

However, county told AT&T (contrary to height/property line law) they wanted the tower next to the street (county can arbitrarily change their own rules is seems) so that any future development could plop in 20 houses vs 10 houses to fuel county property tax base!. This was after AT&T spent probably $50K+ on surveys and soil borings, building permits, etc.

AT&T told county they were not going to redo the surveys, etc. -- , there goes my extra income to fuel county tax base after I'm dead.
Oh that sucks!

My mother lives in a residential area that is a "dead zone" for cell towers. AT&T wanted to put up a tower at the end of the block in the lot adjacent to an abandoned church. My hippie sister, who lives 500 miles away, got wind of this and embarked on a letter writing campaign to stop it. She succeeded. I check in on my Mom once or twice a week (she's 91, blind, diabetic and uses a walker, but insists on staying at home). My sister visits once, maybe twice a year. But I AM THE ONE stuck with no cell service when I go there... :rant:
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