Living under transmission lines?

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There are a lot of scientific sounding studies out there purporting to prove all kinds of things. many of them really prove nothing, while showing an association between different phenomena that seem to happen together. Proving that one of these phenomena causes the other is no where near as easy as showing they are seen together.

Personally, i would not want to live near high tension power lines for aesthetic reasons and that is good enough for me.
ah. almost forgot. there is supposed to be an announcement of a big
tax break next week. my experience with big tax breaks is that if you
are the one that it is being announced to, it doesn't benefit you much.
And our leaders, no matter what their bent, manipulate us through fear of things that probably will never hurt us very much if at all, and they ignore or even sanction other things that almost certainly will.
'n i didn't even know that there was a Stetzerwhaever....
some folks call it BS, some call it Gospel.

living in california, i'm conveniently close to ground zero
for batchit crazy, and it's pretty hard to honestly know the truth,
if you are getting your facts from the media.

depending on what you read, militarily we have an aircraft carrier
38' off the coast of north korea, or halfway to austrailia, to make
a point about what "facts" are in your supperbowl.

i just read something on my facebook feed, that the sure cure for
ALL cancers, is baking soda and honey. wipes those suckers right out.

to the original poster, my advice is..... buy the house, line the basement
with lead foil for nuclear fallout, if the boat is in the south china sea,
buy a bbq, for if the boat is going to austrailia, and get some baking soda
no matter what.

don't forget the honey, as well. they say it's important.

ah. almost forgot. there is supposed to be an announcement of a big
tax break next week. my experience with big tax breaks is that if you
are the one that it is being announced to, it doesn't benefit you much.

enjoy your house. turn off the news. and for god's sake, don't google.

:D you are one of a kind.
Wind farms have been going up around here past few years.

People are claiming there are studies that show the sound they make causes health issues, and/or the flahsing of strobe lights (FAA required) causes health issues.

Don't know what to think myself. Next set of turbines that will go up will be close to me, there will be at least one within about a half mile of my house AFAIK.
Wind farms have been going up around here past few years.

People are claiming there are studies that show the sound they make causes health issues, and/or the flahsing of strobe lights (FAA required) causes health issues.

Don't know what to think myself. Next set of turbines that will go up will be close to me, there will be at least one within about a half mile of my house AFAIK.

I'll bet if you look long enough, you will find that there are studies that show studies can cause health issues.
I think you are going to have to make your own judgement call on this one. Nobody knows for sure. I'd suggest reading some of the online info like this:

But remember, a study that proves a correlation between people living near power lines and a health problem does not prove the power lines caused the problem. There could be other explanations.

For example, houses with power lines close by could be less expensive than other houses. That might mean slightly poorer people tend to live in those houses. Those slightly poorer people might be more likely to smoke, and less likely to eat healthy diets. A good study will try to account for varying factors like this, but there will always be varying opinions on how much weight each factor should have.
Thanks steve66 for the link. That is one of the better articles I've read on line. (But still not helpful LOL)

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Way less risk than the mercury in all those fish you catch and eat..........?

Was involved in leukemia lawsuits in the mid 1980s as then was heavily involved in EMP testing with thousands of volts/meter electric fields. We all had physical exams every year as one Air Force officer working at a test site had been diagnosed with leukemia in the early 60's.

One of my lab technicians did develop leukemia, but he had worked for less than 2 years in the lab. Was a Navy shipboard radar technician before that.

Medical testimonies during the lawyers depositions revealed there had never been a leukemia case where a cause was identified (hard ionizing radiation, nuclear, etc) that was diagnosed in less that 3 years after exposure.

Personally have been exposed to many high electric and magnetic fields with no known effects.
One of the other engineers (who had pre teen kids) I worked with did buy a house near a 345 kV power line with no concerns.

Personally would not hesitate to live near power line with own kids or grandkids. The buried 5 kV and 14 kV underground power lines under many folks sidewalks produce more of a field where people are, but the lawyers don't see them.
I've lived almost directly underneath 230kV power lines since 1997. My kids grew up here, both are healthy and happy.

I directly attribute my daughter's happiness to these power lines. When we moved here, I was able to buy this house for about $100k less than a comparable house on the other side of town, because people were having irrational fears about power lines due to this one sloppy study done in Sweden 40 years ago that inappropriately came to the conclusion that a statistical increase in childhood leukemia was attributable to the proximity to HV power lines, without bothering to investigate other more likely causes such as life style. That $100k I saved then went to my daughter's education, now she has a Master's in Psychology and pulls down as much money as I do. That makes her (and me) very happy. Statistically, for me, power lines are a wonderful thing, thank you all for fearing them.

My house and all in my neighborhood were the most cheaply built houses in the area, because they were all built next to the Railroad tracks and only the "poor" people were going to want to live there. The HV power lines were not the issue at the time, they are coincidental to the tracks being there, as is the case in many areas. Anecdotes from old time neighbors say that there was an increase in cancer (called a "cluster") around here in the mid 70s right after people moved into this subdivision, when the trains still ran through everyone's back yards. Diesel smoke was the acknowledged culprit. Now of course the RR tracks have been pulled up and that right of way has become a bicycle and hiking trail. No trains have run through here in 30+ years, and there have been no cancer clusters either, yet the power lines are still here.

This photo was shot almost from my back yard. My house is in the cluster of trees on the right side, just past this school yard.
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I've lived almost directly underneath 230kV power lines since 1997

What kind of discount for building my house directly under those power lines?

I see plenty of land under there, but no houses yet. Maybe I can afford property in the SF Bay area.
What kind of discount for building my house directly under those power lines?

I see plenty of land under there, but no houses yet. Maybe I can afford property in the SF Bay area.
the land directly under is owned by the Utility, or at least the access rights to it are. So if you buit a house there, they may make it a drive through some day and you would have no say-so in the matter.

Plus, bird crap would bury you in a few years...
Yet you still have to pay taxes on the land even though you can't use it.

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You may collect "rent" or other fees to allow the easement though, especially for a utility that passes through but does not supply anything on your property.
You may collect "rent" or other fees to allow the easement though, especially for a utility that passes through but does not supply anything on your property.

some farmers in a county adjoining mine had sold options to wind farms to put up wind turbines on their property. some do gooders decided they didn't like the turbines and got the county board to kill off the deal. several of the farmers were reportedly going to make more from the wind turbines than from their farming operations. that had to hurt.
some farmers in a county adjoining mine had sold options to wind farms to put up wind turbines on their property. some do gooders decided they didn't like the turbines and got the county board to kill off the deal. several of the farmers were reportedly going to make more from the wind turbines than from their farming operations. that had to hurt.
Probably some of that going on around here as well. Most of the southern half of the county has had turbines scattered all over it the past few years, this year there will be some put in further north - where I live. My property isn't large enough to place one far enough from the house to meet zoning requirements - so I have not been involved in any direct talk about easements. Seen a map with the locations though and closest one will be about a half mile from my house on adjacent property.
I've lived almost directly underneath 230kV power lines since 1997. My kids grew up here, both are healthy and happy.
I directly attribute my daughter's happiness to these power lines...
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Imagine how happy these transmission lines made this Self-Storage mogul, renting space that costs close to nothing for maintaining the easement space.


That could be 1MV directly overhead. If a line came down nothing would survive. Lots of these businesses in the Disneyland area doing this, mostly landscape nurseries with tents underneath. This is the first occupied building I've seen like this. Maybe the power company gets a piece of the action.


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I'll bet if you look long enough, you will find that there are studies that show studies can cause health issues.

I know many men exposed to transmission voltages daily as Lineman working the line for construction or maintenance. Lineman are not the type to stand by quietly for any type of problem that could be a threat to them or their families.
I don't see cemeteries or hospitals dedicated to Linemen and I am watching the same black helicopter frenzy develop with utility smart meters.
Maybe in another 100 years we will know.
since this thread came back... cell tower electric field sideline ...

AT&T did all the surveys, etc on my back yard (3 acres) for a 150 ft cell tower -- in the center of 'back yard' to stay the height of tower away from property lines.

About $1500 a month for 25 years, great deal.

OK, sez I, don't see any cost risk disadvantage to the GHz fields from the tower.

However, county told AT&T (contrary to height/property line law) they wanted the tower next to the street (county can arbitrarily change their own rules is seems) so that any future development could plop in 20 houses vs 10 houses to fuel county property tax base!. This was after AT&T spent probably $50K+ on surveys and soil borings, building permits, etc.

AT&T told county they were not going to redo the surveys, etc. -- , there goes my extra income to fuel county tax base after I'm dead.
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