Looking for advice on much needed upgrade

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New User
I just purchased a home in California which has original 55 amp all aluminum electrical(yes even the wire run to lighting and outlets). I am going to pull a permit and get my electric company to shut off the main before i start work, but want to check my plans for code worthiness. This is what I plan:

-Pull permit from city
-Get power company to disattach main lines
-install new weather head
-4/0-4/0-2/0 seu cable run to meter box, from meter box to safety switch and hen on to my main panel
-new 200 amp non fused outdoor meter panel (current is non fused and supplies power through the back of the box into the garage where the main panel is located)
-install 200amp non fused safety switch in garage where power comes through the wall.
-Replace and move main panel to the left or right of safety switch in garage.
-Install 2 ground rods at least 6' from each other and connect continuously with 4 gauge solid copper to main panel.
---In the future, i will pull another permit, and replace aluminum wire in house with appropriate copper wire. manual safety switch will help make this easier.

Please advise on anything I missed, or might want to think about (other than hiring an electrician. I take this very seriously and have confidence in my ability. I want to make sure my plans are sound)
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