Thats something Iwire has said before to the period. Im seeing that Iwire has a lot of influence on this forum...
Not on me he doesn't-he just happens to look at this stuff through the eyes of an electrician and obviously a lot of electricians will agree with his views. A lot of these ideas work on paper and in theory, but they won't work irl. You mentioned earlier in this thread that ELIT should be taught to electricians during apprenticeship and thats still no guarantee that it will be done correctly or done at all, its just the way it is.
The op has still provided not one shred of proof that ELIT is needed and despite naming off several things that "electricians struggle with everyday" he has not given any details about how ELIT would be of any advantage when dealing with those things. He has also not shown how ELIT would perform any better when paired against the much simpler continuity test or load/voltage test mentioned by others in this thread.
Your statement that "it lets the original installer off the hook" is supposed to mean what? If a fire does occur the ELIT results would be meaningless when it is pointed out that there is no way to be sure you even did the test, so why would it even be considered a factor?