That's classic Celtic, I can't wait to show my co-worker's

Since I am an electrical specialist at a HD I've told a number of people when they need to seek out a professional. Last week a bizarre man already had a 125a Homeline in his cart when I came upon him. He began asking questions that proved to me he didn't know his ass from his elbow.
Customer: Hi, umm I need breakers for this panel.
Me: What sizes do you need?
Customer: I don't know
He asks some more questions.
Me: You're in over his head.
Customer: "Hey I need help, that's why I'm here". He said this twice.
After another few minutes of questions he finally tells me that he does have an electrician doing the work.
Me: Okay, so what did he tell you to pick up?" "Did he just say hey get me a panel and some breakers?", "What size panel, what brand, what size breakers dude?"
He then noticed a panel up on display and inquired about it.
Me: That's a 200 amp Square D QO panel.
Customer: Oh yeah that's what I want. Which breakers do I need for it?
Me: Well wait a second, what size panel are you replacing?
Customer: My panel look just like that one.
Me: Yeah, you're replacing a 200amp panel with another? Are you upgrading? What size service do you have?
Customer: Well....those size wires look like the ones I have (Pointing at the SE coming out of the display panel) is that what I have in my house?
Me: Sir, how would I know what size cable you have at your house, you're in over your head man.
Customer: Blah
And he walks away.