M. Stevens ground screw?

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iwire said:
Unless I had a lot of sheet metal to tap I can not see me buying those.

I never like all in one tools, IMO you pay more for less results.
Bobm I generally agree with that statement, but these little dudes have stood up to my gorilla-grip ham-hock hands.

I haven't broken one . . . yet.
electricalperson said:
one tool i broke that i never replaced was that klein 6 in one tap tool or whatever it was. used it once to tap a 6/32 hole and it snapped like a twig
You need to remember that those are thread chasers, not taps. I think it even says so on the packaging.
LarryFine said:
Bobm I generally agree with that statement, but these little dudes have stood up to my gorilla-grip ham-hock hands.

I haven't broken one . . . yet.

But what are you tapping?

It is not unusally for me to have to tap steel that is 1/2" to 2" thick.
iwire said:
But what are you tapping?

It is not unusally for me to have to tap steel that is 1/2" to 2" thick.
Obviously, sheet metal, like enclosures or even J-boxes. No argument that you need a 'real' tap for thick stuff, along with cutting oil.
LarryFine said:
Obviously, sheet metal, like enclosures or even J-boxes. No argument that you need a 'real' tap for thick stuff, along with cutting oil.

Well then we agree. :)

From post 21

iwire said:
Unless I had a lot of sheet metal to tap I can not see me buying those.
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