makeup air dumper to range hood


Senior Member
New Jersey USA
Hi everyone I need help how to wire makeup air dumper to range hood over 400cfm When hood is ON make up dumper must open. Or I should temper with range hood and install same size wire as power supply to hood and run it to dumper? or use current transformer next to electrical panel that will detect when hood is energized currently transformer will energize dumper I font want to over complicate something what suppose to be simple

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For a multi-speed hood I think that the makeup air is only required when the fan speed exceeds the 400 CFM so for lower fan speeds the damper could remained closed. This means that the hood had a control circuit/contact for the makeup air that only turned on at a certain fan speed.

Are you using a fan forced make-up air system with heat? Any cuts for the equipment involved? I'm asking because I may need to install one of these systems in my own home.
For a multi-speed hood I think that the makeup air is only required when the fan speed exceeds the 400 CFM so for lower fan speeds the damper could remained closed. This means that the hood had a control circuit/contact for the makeup air that only turned on at a certain fan speed.

Are you using a fan forced make-up air system with heat? Any cuts for the equipment involved? I'm asking because I may need to install one of these systems in my own home.

I don’t have equipment yet
My hood is 1803B/HP11(75) 500 cfm. from homedepot i have force air furnace
I have good idea how to install make up dumper but do not know how to interconnect those two together
Hood is plugged in same way as over the range microwave so how do i controll dumper
Do you or someone here has experience in installing this kind of make up air ?
I have wired many commercial kitchen hood systems.

A typical damper opens with power (often 24vac) supplied, and closes when it's removed.

What control dumper ?
Again, you need to tell us what equipment will be chosen.

Anything we tell you without knowing would be wild guesses that may or may not be applicable.
I have good idea how to install make up dumper but do not know how to interconnect those two together
Yes the makeup air is required for a 500 CFM unit. What size damper are you using? I thought that I read somewhere that a static damper needs to be 4x the size of the exhaust duct on the hood. Maybe someone with design experience will chime in.
I have wired many commercial kitchen hood systems.

A typical damper opens with power (often 24vac) supplied, and closes when it's removed.

Again, you need to tell us what equipment will be chosen.

Anything we tell you without knowing would be wild guesses that may or may not be applicable.

I don’t have any thing yet except

Range hood i just mention above
Forced air heat

I read on line that either hood provides control or i need to install pressure switch in range exhaust vent also low voltage wiring required (i have open basement so my idea would be to install current sensor on conductor supplying power to hood)
This is residential house i don’t want to complicate that more than code required

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So many options.

A simple current switch monitors the Range Exhaust Vent motor.
I>0=Close Contact
The above contact controls power to a 24v damper motor with spring return.
Contact closes, damper opens. Allowing air drawn by REV to be replenished as needed.
Contact opens, damper closes via spring action.

You may need an interposing relay depending on the current draw of the damper motor.
I'm with Larry, if you don't have a damper and motor selected, you can't decide what to do or, how to do it.

On commercial systems you normally have the motorized damper open first to ensure that the fan doesn't come on first, so that you don't create negative pressure in the building. and waste conditioned air, while pulling outside air through every unsealed opening or gap in the structure envelope.

Then you use the end proving switch in the damper motor, enable the exhaust fan controls to be enabled.

When the exhaust fan is shut down, it's controls, remove power from the inlet damper motor, and the damper motor spring returns the damper to the closed position.

The whole point of requiring make-up air for the exhaust fan is to get it to function efficiently and automatically without wasting energy of the conditioned space while allowing the exhaust system to breath so it can perform it's intended function.

An exhaust fan installed into the side of a sealed enclosure, doesn't move any air, it just spins and wastes energy, while making noise.