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Mike, if you get a chance can you look at my post regarding derating? its under this same heading-safety. moving 2 panels. 1 four feet the other thirty.

Not trying to dodge your questions. Take a picture or two or make a sketch and take it to your AHJ.

Explain to him what you want to do. Just tell him that you are not understanding what is required.

He can not design it for you but he may direct you.

What is allowed to stay. What requires an upgrade.
By village I mean suburb. The suburb says that if the home is larger then 2000 sq foot then they must have a 200 amp panel. They are "grandfathered in" at the moment, but the moment they touch it they have to upgrade. There is already a sub panel fed off the lugs at the bottom of the bus. Does that count toward the max number of circuits listed for the panel?

Don't you just love when a governing body makes these kinds of rules. I bet I could show you a few 1200 - 1500 sq ft homes that have more load than some that are 2000+.

Did they ever stop to think that art 220 exists for a reason?
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