May I ask a question about the single vs two phase stuff

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I always try to understand other people's point of views.

With that in mind let me ask the following. Say you have a complex, non-periodic waveform. Yet say over a half cycle it might be close to periodic. Now if we break it down with Fourier transformation to individual sine waves, and phase shift them by 180 degrees, and then sum them back together......well are we back to 180 = -1?

This might be worth playing around with. Haven't had a chance yet myself.
But, which one for all those phase questions as part of the tests here? I think the bottom one is what I use but.. not
Answering myself..sort of.. just looked in textbook, which is like fifteen years and description calls for 120 degree math not 180 degree math so it would be the 208 wave form..
But that's my point. The graphs are not showing Vrms.

My point is that they are simple graphics to illustrate the basic math for our two single phase supplies. 120/240V and 120/208V



My point is that they are simple graphics to illustrate the basic math for our two single phase supplies. 120/240V and 120/208V
What they illustrate just doesn't happen. If the basic electrician doesn't understand Vp-p, why show him sine waves at all, especially those that are incorrect representations?

Why not just draw a circle with two 120V dimensioned diametrically opposed spokes rather than incorrectly dimensioned sine waves?
Yes, I strongly believe that you need pitch the explanation at a level that can be understood by those receiving it. I equally strongly believe that you should not present duff information.
Since it bugs you so much, here's some amateur image manipulation to fix the scale:
Cheers, Wayne
Well done that man :thumbsup:
The manipulation to correct it wouldn't have been required had it been done right in the first place.
Well done that man :thumbsup:
The manipulation to correct it wouldn't have been required had it been done right in the first place.

Yes, but more than half the average sparkies would be clueless about those amplitudes. Their little meter only has Vrms. I only use those types of for simple illustration.

And I never use the word phase for the 120V. I say signals.
Surprised you didn’t catch grief for the 240 or 208 pointing to the peak of the sine wave:D

You really feel 50% have no idea what root, mean, square is? That is sad if it is true.
Surprised you didn’t catch grief for the 240 or 208 pointing to the peak of the sine wave:D

You really feel 50% have no idea what root, mean, square is? That is sad if it is true.

The level of education needed to get licensed in many places is pitiful.

One or two electrical courses and a code class is not uncommon.

I do what I gotta do. If I have to fudge a little at times, so be it.
With that in mind let me ask the following. Say you have a complex, non-periodic waveform. Yet say over a half cycle it might be close to periodic. Now if we break it down with Fourier transformation to individual sine waves, and phase shift them by 180 degrees, and then sum them back together......well are we back to 180 = -1?
So, it's been a couple decades since I took real or complex analysis, but a little research plus my recollection tells me:

Let F(t) be a differentiable, periodic function with period T, meaning f(t + T) = f(t) for all t. Then its Fourier series will be convergent everywhere, that is F(t) can be expressed as an infinite sum of sine and cosine waves of the form fn(t) = An sin(2 pi n t/T) and gn(t) = Bn cos(2 pi n t/T).

Then F(t) will be anti-periodic with period T/2, meaning F(t + T/2) = - F(t), if and only if An = Bn = 0 for all even n, that is, F has only odd harmonics.

Cheers, Wayne
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