Metal Window Frame Bonding

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......Just because they edit the handbook does not mean that their opinions on the code are the correct opinions.

I'm not sure Paul said the opinions were correct ,.. just that they hold more weight,.. with whom you ask ?,... I gave an example of where that weight was felt , in the form of the proposal ... The panel panel action seems to add credability to Paul's claim ..
makes it difficult to include metal fences, awnings, door frames, etc. as
referenced in the 2008 NEC Handbook.

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I'm not sure that I would be overly worried about the window frames. If that was the case then why aren't we bonding the lath paper or the footing steel if they are within 5' of the pool? We don't see it here much, but do you bond the aluminum siding? Not that it would be very hard.
I understand the code issue and submitted a proposal on the issue.

My point is that while the editors of the handbook are very knowledgeable about the code, I don't see them as more knowledgeable than many who post on this forum, including Paul. Just because they edit the handbook does not mean that their opinions on the code are the correct opinions.

I understand Don....I was looking for the proposal 17-184 Log #1708 and I just could not find it as I only have the hard copy. Just seems to me that in that proposal they made clear the issue of a metal door and window frame....they clearly said "ALL" in their reply and last I checked fences would be no different in my mind that the issue of the metal window frame. All I was saying with regards to opinions is they put theirs out their on a more public level in the handbook and so on so many more know them...nothing more. It seems clear to me if they accept the following veribage their intent...

7) Fixed Metal Parts. All fixed metal parts shall be bonded, including, but
not limited to, metal sheathed cables and raceways, metal piping, metal
awnings, metal fences, and metal door and window frames.
Exceptions to be retained.
My point is that while the editors of the handbook are very knowledgeable about the code, I don't see them as more knowledgeable than many who post on this forum, including Paul. Just because they edit the handbook does not mean that their opinions on the code are the correct opinions.

As far as the law is concerned in Ohio the only persons opinion that matters is the Building Official who is considered the AHJ.

I'm not sure that I would be overly worried about the window frames. If that was the case then why aren't we bonding the lath paper or the footing steel if they are within 5' of the pool? We don't see it here much, but do you bond the aluminum siding? Not that it would be very hard.

Might be quit hard since most siding is a combination of many overlapping would have to bond every section if that were the case.
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