I’m sorry I’m so late to the response. Thank you for all that info!UL 231 lists power outlets including meter-mains.
Any metering equipment (meter-mains) with the neutral bus bolted to the cabinet frame must be marked "Suitable ONLY for use as Service Equipment." Those Eaton meter-mains may be missing the marking, but they are listed as Suitable ONLY for use as Service Equipment. This equipment can only be installed per 2023 MEC 230.85(B)(1) and marked EMERGENCY DISCONNECT- SERVICE DISCONNECT per 230.85(E)(1)(1)
Service equipment that is marked "Suitable for Use as Service Equipment" (SUSE) will have a floating neutral buss, An example is a Eaton 200-amp Breaker Disconnect that is SUSE rated and these are permitted to be installed per 230.85(B)(3) and marked EMERGENCY DISCONNECT- NOT SERVICE EQUIPMENT per 230.85(E)(1)(3) and installed as such you can run the 3-wire SEU into a Main Breaker Service Equipment Panel and leave those dangerous 3-wire dryer and range branch circuits.
Example below of a SUSE rated floating neutral service rated disconnect...
View attachment 2574999
Yes for a period of time Milbank was sending both stickers. But, this violated the listing and now that no longer happens.
Why do I say are 3-wire range and dryer branch circuits dangerous? Well generally they are not when qualified persons are involved. But when those unqualified appliance delivery persons are installing the cords at delivery, that can be dangerous and has killed people by electrocution. Now if it were a new 4-wire branch circuit with GFCI, incorrectly installed cords will trip the breaker, no-one gets hurt.
I definitely agree with the danger of the 3 wire appliances existing. With that said, I’ve mentioned to customers the danger & how I would go about changing them out. Some clients have fully finished basements with no “good” way of getting a new wire there at a “cost friendly” price point.
You definitely cleared that up with the floating neutral.
Would my gec go into the outside disconnect? Or right into the main panel at that point?
Thanks again!