mfg home service

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replaced a service panel on a pedastel at a mfg home recently. the owners had added a porch in the area of the pedastel and the meter/main was pointing directly at the porch skirting about 10 inches away. to meet 110.26 we left the portion of the midwest riser that is the chute/raceway for the service conductors and turned the new meter/main service panel 90 degrees and bolted one edge of it to the existing riser. A nice lb out the back of the old riser and into the new panel and we were there. we added a smal 3/4 ply backboard to the prtion of the new panel that was extended out from the bbolt up. added a 2/6 scab to the porch skirting and then screwed the plywood to the edge of the 2/6. a very nicley suported and compliant install. Inspector cites the 550 section that says the service cannot be attached to the home. he adds to his explanation "including the porch". In my opinion the porch is not part of the home but rather an accesorry structure. The intent of the code seems to be according to the handbook to allow the home to be moved without the service being disturbe. seems he has added some verbage to the code that isnt there.
If the porch is attached by nails;screws; or etc. to the structure, then the inspector is correct, if you attached your service support to the porch.
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If the porch is attached by nails;screws; or etc. to the structure, then the inspector is correct, if you attached your service support to the porch.

To me it does not matter if it is nailed, screwed, welded or glued to the original building it is still not part of the manufactured building.

first off we need to clear-up what you mean by section 550. 550 is an Article? Did he quote a section from article 550? If so, then what section?

Please note: Some jurisdictions require building permits to build decks (Note: Deck being used as an example) due to building codes and zoning ordinances. Meaning: Anything attached to the structure may require a permit, because it becomes an addition to said structure.
so its ok for the inspector to add words to the code that dont exist. i get it now!!!!
Maybe! We don't know what authority your inspector has. You could be in a small town where the electrical inspector is also the building inspector.
we are a large area inspected by the state. If he were a building inspector what would he be doing inspecting electrical unless he had some dual role . we do have a few like that here but the building is certainly not electrical.It would be quite a stretch for the building inspector to cite electrical code methinks.
replaced a service panel on a pedastel at a mfg home recently...
Actually, if it IS a manufactured home, the service is permitted to be installed in or on it, provided a list of condiitons are met. Refer to 550.32(B) for the detalis.
guess what guys. now the inspection supervisor backs up his inspector by saying that when he added the words"and the porch" that he was correct. Says that if the porch is attached to the home it is then a modified manufactured structure. What a way to try to justify adding things that do not exist!!! I will add(reluctantly) a friggin post behind my backboard and remove the 3 offending screws that attach to this "modified manufactured dwelling".What a bunch of k rap.
The intent of this code reference where you dont install the service on or in the home is to assurre that you dont have to disconnect the service condutor at the transformer to move the home,just the conductors from the inside panel. At least thats what the handbook says. I wonder how many manufactured dwellings come down the road with the porch attached? Seems this guy thinks the porch will go with the home if and when its moved. Seems like quite a chore for the movers though. Anyhow the offending and dangerous screws are gone that attach my backbord to the porch/home and a new 4/4 post is in its place. I think I may have left the screws laying on the porch. I wonder if the the homeowner will reinstall after inspection? HMMMMMMMMMMMM?
The intent of this code reference where you dont install the service on or in the home is to assurre that you dont have to disconnect the service condutor at the transformer to move the home,just the conductors from the inside panel. At least thats what the handbook says. I wonder how many manufactured dwellings come down the road with the porch attached? Seems this guy thinks the porch will go with the home if and when its moved. Seems like quite a chore for the movers though. Anyhow the offending and dangerous screws are gone that attach my backbord to the porch/home and a new 4/4 post is in its place. I think I may have left the screws laying on the porch. I wonder if the the homeowner will reinstall after inspection? HMMMMMMMMMMMM?
guess what guys. now the inspection supervisor backs up his inspector by saying that when he added the words"and the porch" that he was correct. Says that if the porch is attached to the home it is then a modified manufactured structure. What a way to try to justify adding things that do not exist!!! I will add(reluctantly) a friggin post behind my backboard and remove the 3 offending screws that attach to this "modified manufactured dwelling".What a bunch of k rap.
I guess I was right! :grin:
this unit has a cover over this porch attached to the roof of the home and the other side of the cover extends over the porch like an awning and then attaches to the 12X8 tool shed. I suppose if I had braced this panel with a 2x4 extending from the shed wall(which would also work) that i would then be in violation as well? lets see the shed to the cover to the house to the porch. All one house eh?
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