Microwave in your truck?

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man you are all worked up here man you run down to the local RV shop by microwave and inverter for around 175 and it is made to ride around with you..they have the mounting hardware with them..wonder how it works setting in truck over night at 22 below zero..thats what I got this morning..
roger said:
Bob, I have done that.

Actually a friend of mine and myself use to compete on who could come up with the best intake manifold lunch.

I did a flounder with broccoli, cauliflower, onion, garlic, pinch of oregano, salt, and pepper, wrapped in tin foil dish that could have been served in any restaurant.

It took a 30 minute drive to cook it to perfection, the fish was flaky and the vegetables were cooked yet crisp. Bon Appetite

We also used to cook on a large PVC Hot Box Bender, you can get four slabs of ribs on it with no problem, add a few pieces of rebar for height control and you're good to go. :)

Then there is a 200 watt lamp in a metal box (welding rod warmer) to heat lunches.


Guess Roger is also the "Chef" moderator as well:grin: I thought I was doing good with fresh ham on a kaiser roll!
cschmid said:
man you are all worked up here man you run down to the local RV shop by microwave and inverter for around 175 and it is made to ride around with you..they have the mounting hardware with them..wonder how it works setting in truck over night at 22 below zero..thats what I got this morning..

Strange, it was 72 this morning here.
This may be a little "old school" but I used to bring my coleman camping stove. It would heat up just about anything, traveled well, and made pretty good coffee in the winter.:smile:
you know the microwave it fits our microwave society..we want it and we want it now..that is going to be the down fall of our society as it causes people to take sort cuts to achieve the instanteous result..which will come back to haunt our society..
Just a thought if you want to go cheap. Out here in CA all of the builder supply stores carry earthquake hold down stuff for just about any appliance, TV, computer or whatever. They are cheap and effective.
I think Im ready for a stove. If i eat one more sandwich im gonna freak out man... I would love a micro but no space for one. except front seat. hmmmmmmmmm why not . it could work.
mdshunk said:
Anybody have a microwave set up in their truck? I'm considering doing that. The electrical part is no problem, but the mechanical part, like mounting and damage prevention, has some options. If anyone has any pictures they'd like to share, I'd like to see them.

Thats pretty funny, as I thought about this exact same thing about a week ago. I figured I could have the microwave mounted somewhere in the van, and just drag out the 100 foot cord and plug it in - since when I am on the job, I'm at someones house it would be easy to get power.

But just like bad gas, most of my ideas just pass on... :grin:

mdshunk said:
...while parked behind McDonald's. :grin:

That would be funny. Walk into a restaurant with a coiled up extension cord, and ask them, "you got any place I can plug this in outside?"

Why drive all the way to McDonald's if you're going to prepare your own meals in the truck?
I work under a journeyman that has a microwave in the back of his truck. It drives me absolutely nuts, the van is crammed full of unsorted stuff as it is and you get the microwave in and it's impossible to work out of efficiently.
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