Mike Holts clock

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Sean emailed again & the network administrator has been notified in regards to the time shown on the forum being a bit off . Sean said that he can't access the specific area on the server to make the adjustment .
Carl :)
LarryFine said:
So, synchronize your clock with HST (Holt Standard Time). :)

Will he make up the time at the end of the pay period that I was late ?
Just kidding I'm usually 15 to 20 minutes early as an average.
Hey Larry , I saw alot of avatars earlier that I really liked on a website,but the options in the profile settings state that they can't be larger than 80 pixels by 80 pixels .
By the way I really like yours too.

Carl :grin:
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Rampage_Rick said:
NTP - Network time protocol http://www.pool.ntp.org/

We have a server that syncs to ca.pool.ntp.org, and the entire network syncs to that server.

I'd love one of these:

I don't know how accurate it would be if the photo above is a picture of one sitting in front of you ... check out the time & date on the display compared to todays date & your post time (06:53 pm) !

Carl :D
Krim said:
Hey Larry , I saw alot of avatars earlier that I really liked on a website,but the options in the profile settings state that they can't be larger than 80 pixels by 80 pixels.
It's "grandfathered in." ;)
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