Mike Holt's twitter

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In areas with small budgets, Twitter would be a good tool for inspectors to use to indicate where they are in their daiy route.
We can see where the inspectors are in Miami-Dade County and the disposition of each inspection on line. Its a big help if you are on the site waiting
I love twitter actually....I simply text message to it and it posts on my site. I plan on using it alot and promoting it as well at seminars. Sounds like a great idea for smaller municipals to update people on changing events....while it does limit the text, thats probably a good thing for my inspectors...lol
I love twitter actually....I simply text message to it and it posts on my site. I plan on using it alot and promoting it as well at seminars. Sounds like a great idea for smaller municipals to update people on changing events....while it does limit the text, thats probably a good thing for my inspectors...lol

What do you post/text to twitter?
Do you really want the world to know what you are doing all day?

I think Freud would have a field day with Twitter.
I'm sure twitter will evolve into a useful tool, and I'm sure that a lot of folks are just testing the waters (Mr Holt ?). but as it stands, you can have it (along with texting). I would rather sit outside with a beer and watch the grass grow and the leaves blow.
I'm sure twitter will evolve into a useful tool, and I'm sure that a lot of folks are just testing the waters (Mr Holt ?). but as it stands, you can have it (along with texting). I would rather sit outside with a beer and watch the grass grow and the leaves blow.

I think that that all of those sites like Twitter, Facebook , Myspace and any others like them are a waste of time and will only lead to trouble for those that are naive enough to believe that it's just fun.

I don't want the world to know my every move.
I have never gone to those sites and have no intention either.

Texting is a waste also. Just make the call!!

I agree that I would rather sit outside with a beer and watch the grass grow and the leaves blow.
Yesterday on the Long Island Expressway I passed (4) multi vehicle car crashes in a span of 20 miles.

I bet someone in those crashes was either on the phone or texting.

I see people ALL the time doing stuff like that in stop n go traffic.
I think that that all of those sites like Twitter, Facebook , Myspace and any others like them are a waste of time and will only lead to trouble for those that are naive enough to believe that it's just fun.

I don't want the world to know my every move.
I have never gone to those sites and have no intention either.

Texting is a waste also. Just make the call!!

I agree that I would rather sit outside with a beer and watch the grass grow and the leaves blow.

Come on Tim, you're not that old and grumpy yet. :smile:
What do you post/text to twitter?
Do you really want the world to know what you are doing all day?

I think Freud would have a field day with Twitter.

Personally I dont think the world cares what I do all day. I don't post all day either. I simply post a few rambling things and mostly just stuff people like yourself would care nothing about. However, I still post it regardless...;)

But who is reading it and why?- I don't know......don't really care either. It will be published on my seminar flyers and in other promotional material but not to the twitter site. It will be a link to my site where it has the twitter JAVA scripts to keep it within my site only.

What are you posting and why- Well, because I can and it only takes me about 10 seconds since I type about 90 words a minute and can thumb about 20 words a minute and since only 140 caract. can be used....from my mobile data phone it is a simple process of a text message. In the future I will use it to keep people posted on changes to seminar plans at the last minute. I will also use it to provide other last minute updates and make my clients aware to check my site and the twitter portion of it within the last 48 hours leading upto a seminar......things like that.
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I have a facebook and thanks to this thread I just got a twitter account. I agree Twitter does seem lame and a time eater. I now have 4 people I follow and one puts up so many tweets it's crazy i got tired of looking at everything. Anyway I don't think I will use twitter. However I have found Facebook to be pretty good. I mostly network with family and friends people I know. I travel so much for work it's hard to keep up with family at times.

IMO, these networking tools should not be overlooked.
However I have found Facebook to be pretty good. I mostly network with family and friends people I know. I travel so much for work it's hard to keep up with family at times.

IMO, these networking tools should not be overlooked.

I also have a facebook and use it much like khixxx. I keep in touch with family mostly but also have been reunited with a few of my buddies I have lost touch with from back in my seabee days.
Okay, let me try to clear this up.

Okay, let me try to clear this up.

No. 1. I didn't get a twitter account because one of my seven kids talked me into this. All of my kids are now grown and out of the house and I got my twitter account before any of them.

No. 2. It would be best to read why I opened a twitter account before you make comments that it's 'all about me and the promotion of my company'. It's a new technology and we all need to be aware of it and how we can use in in the industry for our personal improvement, not about 'social networking.' Some 'old timers' in the industry don't see anything new to have any value.

See what my newsletter said at: http://www.mikeholt.com/newsletters.php?action=display&letterID=760

What is Twitter and How Can it Help You in the Electrical Trade? ? Part 1
We?d like to establish a multi-part newsletter to look at what Twitter is and how it can help you in your business.

We?ll start by introducing you to what it is.
We?ll take a deeper look at Twitter 101, learn the lingo and understand best practices.
We?ll explore using Twitter for business.
We can work together to see how we can apply this technology directly to the industry.

Part 1
What is Twitter?
Twitter is a real-time communication tool (a micro-blogging site) that allows users to share ideas and information in 140 characters or less. Why 140? SMS (i.e., texting on your phone) limits each message to 160 characters. Twitter takes that limit and reserves 20 characters for your username, leaving you 140 characters to play with. Each ?tweet? is like a text or instant message ? not really directed at anyone but visible to everyone. When you choose to ?follow? someone, you receive their posted tweets.

How can Twitter be used to help you in your electrical career? Could you benefit from instant access to electrical information? Well honestly, we are not totally sure yet, but let?s work together to explore this new technology. Maybe a ?tweet? out in the field with an update on code or an important electrical ruling could change the way you manage your work.

How about we try this: you get a twitter account, you become a follower and we?ll send you a Code rule for you to review!

Step 1: Click on the link https://twitter.com/signup to sign up for a Twitter account. Follow the steps to set up your account page and handle (user name).
Step 2: Click on https://twitter.com/mikeholt_NEC and select Follow.

Starting in August, MikeHolt_NEC will send out tweets on the NEC and the electrical industry. If you have ideas on how this technology could be used to benefit your business we?d love to work with you and learn together; we?ll pass this along to all other Mike Holt Newsletter members.

We look forward to your feedback.

Maybe Twitter won't work out, but maybe some will give me credit for trying something new to help the industry.
I think some people have a problem with Twitter when you are called a "follower" to someones account. That's just twitters term for following a persons tweets. It doesn't mean your a cult worshiper or something.
Hey, I'm willing to give it a try and see where it goes with my business as well as Mike's.

Best Regards,
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