Mike Holt's twitter

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I can't think of a reason or a person I'd need to "follow". Don't understand why people "text" when they can use the phone instead. I don't drink grape Kool Aid either.

I think you may have touched on the essence of why it maybe useful.

Twitter sends out messages to multiple people. Multiple messages are often considered spam or unwanted messages. In this case people (followers) CHOOSE to receive news or short blog from they favored person.

I have none, nor do I see the reason why would I be interested in such thing.
I think that all of those sites like Twitter, Facebook , Myspace and any others like them are a waste of time and will only lead to trouble for those that are naive enough to believe that it's just fun.
Yet here you are, using a short typed message that goes from you to anyone that is "following" the Forum on the World Wide Web. Seems eerily similar to tweets, and not at all like a phone call.

Just as the Forum expands the community that shares the NEC and wiring in buildings, etc, as a common bond, by using the instantaneousness of the internet and good forum software to do so, so to, do the other forms of community building, whether virtual or in real space. Picking and choosing whether to go to the religious day meeting, post online at this Forum, eat a sit down dinner with a bunch of people, etc. are all choices, limited by the time in a day and the value one attaches to the experience. . . that engender community.

And, I think most all enjoy "alone time", as well.
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All because Mike opened his site?:grin:
Maybe he will bring some professionalism in and then it won't be just for fun anymore. :grin:

IMO: If Mike posts things like "Just got on the plane heading to..." I would be disappointed. His post indicates he plans to explore a professional route so we'll see how it goes.

I would not mind seeing things like interesting code change proposals, new developments in industry research, our industry in the news, etc.

I guess I am an old fogey 'cause I just have a picture in my mind akin to seeing NEC issues being discussed on the Nickelodeon channel.
No. 2. It would be best to read why I opened a twitter account before you make comments that it's 'all about me and the promotion of my company'. It's a new technology and we all need to be aware of it and how we can use in in the industry for our personal improvement, not about 'social networking.' Some 'old timers' in the industry don't see anything new to have any value.

See what my newsletter said at: http://www.mikeholt.com/newsletters.php?action=display&letterID=760

What is Twitter and How Can it Help You in the Electrical Trade? ? Part 1
We?d like to establish a multi-part newsletter to look at what Twitter is and how it can help you in your business.

We?ll start by introducing you to what it is.
We?ll take a deeper look at Twitter 101, learn the lingo and understand best practices.
We?ll explore using Twitter for business.
We can work together to see how we can apply this technology directly to the industry.

Part 1
What is Twitter?
Twitter is a real-time communication tool (a micro-blogging site) that allows users to share ideas and information in 140 characters or less. Why 140? SMS (i.e., texting on your phone) limits each message to 160 characters. Twitter takes that limit and reserves 20 characters for your username, leaving you 140 characters to play with. Each ?tweet? is like a text or instant message ? not really directed at anyone but visible to everyone. When you choose to ?follow? someone, you receive their posted tweets.

How can Twitter be used to help you in your electrical career? Could you benefit from instant access to electrical information? Well honestly, we are not totally sure yet, but let?s work together to explore this new technology. Maybe a ?tweet? out in the field with an update on code or an important electrical ruling could change the way you manage your work.

How about we try this: you get a twitter account, you become a follower and we?ll send you a Code rule for you to review!

Step 1: Click on the link https://twitter.com/signup to sign up for a Twitter account. Follow the steps to set up your account page and handle (user name).
Step 2: Click on https://twitter.com/mikeholt_NEC and select Follow.

Starting in August, MikeHolt_NEC will send out tweets on the NEC and the electrical industry. If you have ideas on how this technology could be used to benefit your business we?d love to work with you and learn together; we?ll pass this along to all other Mike Holt Newsletter members.

We look forward to your feedback.

Maybe Twitter won't work out, but maybe some will give me credit for trying something new to help the industry.

As far as the first part goes, everything that I have seen or read about or on Twitter seems to be nonsense or self promotion. I still see it as a way for people to say "hey look at me".

This is just my opinion. It doesn't make me an old timer that thinks anything new has no value it's just my view on the issue. No different than your view that it is beneficial for you to use it. Neither is right or wrong.

In fact many of these old timers who don't see much value iin something like Twitter already use "new" technology to better themselves in regards to the trade. How so? Your looking at it.

My question to you Mike is simple. If what you are going to Tweet to us in the industry is of importance and value to us why don't you post here? :-? Ther are already thousands of followers in place that are here hungry for info.
I already feel inundated with incoming phone calls, voice mails, emails, mailings, PMs, not to mention infomercials and the junk they tell me on what used to be called 'News'.

Why in the world would I want more unsolicited info coming my way from anyone? :-?

Well at least it is voluntary.
I'm a bit curious about how this thread is progressing.

1. Is it vain to start a forum?
2. Is it vain to write articles and send out newsletters?
3. Is it vain to use facebook or twitter?
4. Is instant messaging and texting trendy?

About the most useful (for a certain crowd) use for twitter I've heard is radio stations using it for contests, promotions, and concert information. It jives with that application. If someone wants to try to brainstorm and see if it can be similarly applied in an electrically-related way, I think it makes sense. Since participation is voluntary, at least it's not bothering people who don't care.

If this forum were called "Project 32" then it wouldn't have brand name recognition, I can understand applying the same brand name to the new service to give awareness a kick in the pants.

I have a facebook account, and have found it useful contacting old friends. I have seen people I have connected with using it in a method I would describe as vain and self-interested, constantly updating about trivial items that don't concern me, and I think if that activity were pushed over to twitter it would improve facebook. But it's a free country, and if such activity proves more negative than positive then we are free to ignore it.

I find instant messaging and texting to be a benefit to my life, but I can understand when people do not find benefit in it. Live and let live. I do take issue when somebody makes broad sweeping statements that people who make use of new stuff are somehow making a negative impact on society at large.

My phone bill is going to be absolutely horrendous this month, I am going to be 200 minutes over my plan. Texting has been huge in keeping that number lower than it would be. (I'm going unlimited minutes tomorrow.)


Mike does about 60,000 emails a year, so I'm just grateful that he has given the industry the best forum on the web, all for us to use.

Good to see he stopped by to clear the air on twitter.
I already feel inundated with incoming phone calls, voice mails, emails, mailings, PMs, not to mention infomercials and the junk they tell me on what used to be called 'News'.
"Information Age". The way individuals and the world share information is evolving, by leaps and bounds since the 1990s.

Imagine living in a sod house on the open plains in the mid 1800s. . . communication came when someone physically came by carrying word of mouth, letters and print material. . . that is a very restrictive "filter" for information to get through.
Why in the world would I want more unsolicited info coming my way from anyone? :-?
I agree completely. Yet, thinking about it, I realize that what I value as "The News", as opposed to, advertising, telemarketing, spam, phishing, etc., is unsolicited information that I value about what is "new" that I may not even know to ask about. This is a paradox.

To be a whole person, in this Information Age, I wish to guard the amount of time I can give to "information", in my waking day, to what I can manage, and use, delivered in forms that "help me" assimilate "The News" that has value to me. The more choices for delivery that I have, the better, as any one of them is more likely to fit the moments of the day when I wish to turn my attention to "The News".
Well at least it is voluntary.
Bob, you have nailed, what to me is, the key to the Information Age.

I fast forward through the ads or mute the sound with my remote control.

I label a sender as safe or junk and the software does the rest until I choose to change it.

I track telemarketers, etc. in my cell with a contact name that starts with ? ? ? and I know to ignore it the next time it calls (and I use the search engines to lookup the "Who Calls Me?" bulletin boards to research the calls I get, so I'm not guessing.)

Because I tend to work by myself, when I've got the tools in my hands, I use a single headphone and take in, as I can, live news radio, National Public talk Radio, podcasts, etc.

My 18 yr old son and I talk through SMS text messages.

I read and post here.

I like this voluntary mix of information, you don't have to. Your job is to work out your mix.

And last. Mike's Twitter.

For the first time in all of our known history, any single individual, acting locally, can communicate globally, instantaneously. Mike is offering, it seems, zen like statements about his "local acting" as a NEC mover and shaker. . . just might be "The News".
Maybe he will bring some professionalism in and then it won't be just for fun anymore. :grin:

IMO: If Mike posts things like "Just got on the plane heading to..." I would be disappointed. His post indicates he plans to explore a professional route so we'll see how it goes.

I would not mind seeing things like interesting code change proposals, new developments in industry research, our industry in the news, etc.

I guess I am an old fogey 'cause I just have a picture in my mind akin to seeing NEC issues being discussed on the Nickelodeon channel.

As its name implies it is a short(a tweet) message. No in-depth discussion was envisioned.

Similar, targeted messaging can be accomplished by simple mass e-mail or even via this forum if a filtered messaging selection based on a single individual choice is made available. Then if you select: I want to receive any post by XYZ, you would get all his/her writing.

Tweeter was a way to reduce texting by kids, so they don't have to text the same thing for 20 diff' peeps.
Well I signed up, not sure why as I do not have text on my phone, or want it, (old school);)

But I think I can follow it along on the web site? (at least I hope I can)

I have found a few and added to follow them, My handle is the same as it is here so I could be found, if you wish to find me that is, and maybe some day I will find myself:rolleyes:

I see that many on there have used there real name, I chose to use the one I use here, just so its not so complicated to figure out who's who.

It was real slow when I was signing up, and I think the DOS attack is still in progress, as I got several page cant be found errors, and I have no idea how to allow people from here to add me to follow if I don't know there names on there?, may be a list of a cross over here would be in order, or just change from your real name to the handle you use here?

another problem is when I first logged on I was hit with many unsolicited followers many ex-rated, so I used the protect link to stop this, but I think now unless I add someone, no one will be able to add me, not sure how it all works just yet?
I already feel inundated with incoming phone calls, voice mails, emails, mailings, PMs, not to mention infomercials and the junk they tell me on what used to be called 'News'.

Why in the world would I want more unsolicited info coming my way from anyone? :-?

Well at least it is voluntary.

I am of similar thought. Its information overload that seems to drive my resistance to "new" so called technology. so-called technology is, of late, merely a thinly disguised back door for advertising. remember when cable TV came out and it was touted as having no commercials ? remember when MTV was music television with no commercials ? I just got a "free" cruise from Carnival in the mail - do you really think I'm going to respond to the add when we both know that it just means I am going to be inundated with a new barrage of phone and mail advertisements and "surveys". So, yes, anyone who is older than 25 is probably going to view new crap like this with a suspicious eye. This is not to denigrate any of the valid comments to the positive, and certainly all of Mr. Holt's comments make perfect sense. When it proves itself useful I will certainly consider it, but in the mean time its just more noise (which I will currently let reside as background noise)
I will again concur with Mr. Iwire and Nakulak. I am sure twitter can be used by some as a tool to improve communication, just as a mass text message. All these "tools" are also used by many as a means of entertainment. Most of what we have heard, in the media anyway, is the latter. Follow Sarah Palin or hear the rants of NFL players who don't like the food in training camp. I understand that the NFL is banning twitter? Mr. Holt has has some ideas for it that have merit. The others that choose to have it, have fun with it.
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