Milwaukee Meters

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Senior Member
Newport, NC
Has anyone here used Milwaukee line of test equipment? I came across these while searching for replacement batteries. I do like the dc current function. I love Milwaukee corded tools. Not so thrilled with their cordless. Looking for opinions on their testing tools.


And is there really a need for one of these on a regular basis? It seems like it could come in handy on certain jobs, but then be just as cumbersome and in the way on others. Not really a primary meter, or am I wrong?

Look at the new klein meters.

I'm really liking the clamp meter I bought. So far there have been no accuracy discrepancies between the klein and fluke. And the klein had more features for the same money.
i have a sperry im not to thrilled with. It always has a jumping decimal.... 0.123(dead) looks alot like 120.3(energized) when your hustling. i was wondering if the flukes give the same type of readings.

capacitive coupling with conductors in cables and race ways will give you very false readings with any high impedance type meters, DVM's fall into this category, and as an electrician you should always use a loaded type meter such as a Ideal volt-con or a Square D wiggy, these have a solenoid plunger type coil the puts about 50 ohms load on the circuit which draws down any stray voltage caused by capacitive coupling, when trouble shooting and or checking for possible voltage on a wire, only use a DVM when the actual voltage reading is needed, this will cut down on many false positives, and make your trouble shooting much safer and effective.

Just a note to help you.;)
Fluke for me. I wonder what the need for the pistol grip. I would rather opt for a flexible current tap. Even one that you can change sizes.
i have a sperry im not to thrilled with. It always has a jumping decimal.... 0.123(dead) looks alot like 120.3(energized) when your hustling. i was wondering if the flukes give the same type of readings.

Much better that way than the other. Slow up and take the time to adjust your bifocals. If this meter is giving you fits reading it, and I've had similar, get another. Electricians can never have to many meters.
... these have a solenoid plunger type coil the puts about 50 ohms load on the circuit ...
I sure hope it's a lot more than 50 ohms (which it is.) Remember, 50 ohms would result in 2.4a at 120v, and 4x that on 480v.

It's actually a few K ohms; still plenty low enough to eliminate phantom voltage readings..
They're probably not unique products. Techtronic industries of Korea owns Ryobi, Ridgid, Milwaukie among other brands in N.A. market and its probably just made by one of the manufacturing companies in China and just have badged to specs.

As for stray voltage, you can get a Fluke SV225 3kohm resistor pack. It still retains meters' CAT III 1kV and CAT IV 600v safety specs. Those wiggies do not stand up to these safety specs.
It still retains meters' CAT III 1kV and CAT IV 600v safety specs. Those wiggies do not stand up to these safety specs.
The Knopp K-60 now meets UL 61010-1 CAT-III and UL 61010B-2-031 requirements (whatever they are.)

I don't know whether older ones always did, or if they had to be modified, but they do now.
How is the back lighting, and how is the display in bright light ?
Great, great...

Oh and how is it an an angle ? I seem to always have to lean a bit in bright light to see my fluke display
...and I think it's good at an angle, at least I haven't had a hard time seeing it. But I would be remiss if I didn't mention I swapped back to the Vol-Con on the bags for a bit, until I can find a case for the durned thing. One advantage the Vol-Con has is no sharp pointy probes and 90? test leads to try to wrangle back into a slightly cramped holster behind your back. :)
The Knopp K-60 now meets UL 61010-1 CAT-III and UL 61010B-2-031 requirements (whatever they are.)

I don't know whether older ones always did, or if they had to be modified, but they do now.
That came up before here and I emailed Knopp. No components were changed just the spacing of them to comply with the standards.
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