So to summarize all of the above, I propose the following conductor sizing algorithm, which aims to be complete. Please point out any errors or omissions:
(1) Start with the demand as continuous X + non-continuous Y, and a choice of wire type with corresponding insulation temperature.
(2) Determine the minimum breaker size per 210.20 or 210.3; call it B. That's the smallest size in Table 240.6(A) that exceeds 125% X + Y, except in the case of 100% rated breakers.
(3) 240.4 then provides a minimum ampacity based on B; call that M. [E.g. if B = 50A, M = 45.5A]
(4) For the terminations, check the table column for the termination temperature (no adjustment or correction), and find the smallest wire size would table entry is at least max(M, 125% X + Y)
(5) Elsewhere, consider at each point the number of CCCs and the ambient temperature. Each of those gives an adjustment/correction factor; multiply them at each point. Call the lowest combined factor W; it controls wire sizing away from the terminations.
(5.1) If the insulation temperature is different for wet and dry, do step (5) separately for wet locations and for dry locations.
(6) Find the smallest size wire whose table entry for the insulation temperature column is at least max(M, X+Y) / W.
(6.1) If the insulation temperature is different for wet and dry, do step (6) separately for wet locations and for dry locations, and take the larger size.
(7) Choose the larger of (4) or (6).
Cheers, Wayne