MLO Lighting Panel Pics

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I like the well-done neat wiring job. I have never seen or used butt splice on commercial work( execpt once on a tear-out and it was hidden in a conduit run).
I know most inspector would look at you funny, are buttsplices approved by NEC??
If you make a splice in the conduit you have to remember to change the color to really confuse the next guy:D
I assume there is only one voltage system in the building?

See 210.5(C)

I was going thru the thread and wondering if anyone was going to ask that,
cause I sure was.:) Nice and neat, that's becoming rare these days.
Good job, since it's a one voltage system, I like that you thought out a
color ID system,very clever.:)
Yes, they are approved. They are listed for the purpose and provide a thorough electrical connection as required by 110.14. :)

....did you use the approved crimp tool...or the crimper on the pliers :D

We had a whole big whoop-de-do about that at a powerhouse job.
Literally stopped the entire job.:mad:
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