Re: Mobile Home
Originally posted by jwelectric:
I am asking would it be okay to install only three conductors between the service and inside panel if I did install the ground rod at the trailer.

I was hopeing mike,you hadn't turned in yet.
My answer is no,you couldn't install a three wire feeder to a "
Mobile Home " anyway,regardless of the driven electrode,or not.
Hang with me,and gimmie your take.
550.2~Mobile Home:
For the purpose of this Code and unless otherwise indicated,the term mobile home includes manufactured homes.
550.11(a)Disconnecting Means
-the neutral bar termination of the grounded conductors
shall be insulated in accordance with 550.16(a)
550.16 Grounding
Grounding of both electrical and non-electrical metal parts in a "Mobile Home" shall be through connection to a grounding bus in the "Mobile Home" distribution panelboard.The grounding buss shall be grounded through the green colored insulated conductor in the supply cord or the feeder wiring to the service ground in the service-entrance equipment located adjacent to the "Mobile Home" location.
*Neither the frame of the "Mobile Home" nor the frame of any appliance shall be connected to the grounded circuit conductor (Neutral) in the "Mobile Home".
*Where the distribution-panel board is the service equipment as permitted by 550.32(B)-(*Manufactured Home) the neutral conductors and the equipment grounding bus shall be connected.
550.16(a) Grounded (Neutral) Conductor
*shall be insulated from the equipment enclosure (*the Mobile Home)..Where the distribution panel board is service equipment as permitted by 550.32(b) the (*Manufactured Home)-neutral conductor and the equipment grounding conductor shall be connected.
*This totaly disregards any notion, of useing a three-wire supply cord, feeder to the inside interior of the "Mobile Home",and being in compliance..
*The exception, in 550.33 feeder,refering to 550.32(a)-My opinion:
*the disconnecting means shall be located in sight and not more than 30' from the exterior wall of the "Mobile Home" it serves.If beyond this requirement as in:
located elsewhere on the premises the requirement of not exceeding 30' from the exterior wall, still must be met.
Thus the exception of 550.33 which a feeder to the second outside disconnecting means,meeting the requirement of the exception, and able to use the three-wire feeder between the two disconnecting means 250.32(b)(2)(outside the exterior wall)of the "Mobile Home"..
*driven electrode required, at this second location.
Gimmie your opinion, in the morning Mike..
I'm e-mailing Danny,on the separate structure(250.32) aspect,of the "Mobile Home" driven electrode.
[ August 15, 2005, 08:09 AM: Message edited by: dillon3c ]