MONEY- Small shops????

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Just would like to know ,I have a small electrical contractor , ( one man shop and his son ) that had done some little jobs for us .He claims he clears $ 200,000 + a year .I find it hard to see a 2 man shop making that kind of money .Is he BS me or is that possible ????

It's not that it's impossible but there are very few 2 man shops clearing anywhere near that much. On the other hand that $200K may be from all his business ventures because many small contractors are into things other than electrical work. He may buy and sell Real Estate on the side or deal drugs, who knows. I have found that most people that make really good money have at least a couple of irons in the fire, that way they are covered when things get slow in one area.

I used to know a guy that make a 100K a year just buying a selling high end sports cars and he was retired. He knew the business and had lots of contacts. If I could figure out how to do that I would have retired years ago. Some people just know how to make money without putting much effort into it.
I used to know a guy that make a 100K a year just buying a selling high end sports cars and he was retired. He knew the business and had lots of contacts. If I could figure out how to do that I would have retired years ago. Some people just know how to make money without putting much effort into it.

A retired guy I know is making a couple hundred bucks a week buying stuff at garage sales and reselling it on eBay. He says he only works 3 or 4 hours a week at it. If I had his knowledge of what is worth acquiring for resale I would be doing it a lot more then 3 or 4 hours a week, but he is just doing it to keep busy.

I have known guys who made far more money than I do selling stuff at flea markets.

There are all kinds of niches out there where someone who has the right skill set and knowledge can do very well.

I went to visit my dad at the home the other day. I started talking to another patient there. He was telling me how he used to make really good money buying cheese and sausage at some place up in WI and reselling it in Indiana. He said he got tired of driving and eventually sold the route to some kind of food service vendor. He was sort of vague about the kind of money he made in a way that made me think it was pretty substantial.

There are also a lot of small business being run where the owners are making less than they could working for someone else.
There is a nice, mild mannered, unaggressive, easygoing lady who works for a corporation to secure land entitlements. She makes $300,000+. My daughter right out of collage, $85,000. He sounds like he is very productive. As far as is he telling the truth? Does he fish?

I fish therefor I lie.


Teach a man to fish and a liar is born.
Teach a man to fish and a liar is born.

Rewire, I can't take it any longer bro. You gotta fix your signature.

Sorry I'm totally OCD.

Maybe it's the cheap beer. :D

Please leave Mr. Ozarks alone, he may be my mentor if Eric Estrada sells me the home site I want in Arkansas.
Too funny!

God invented beer so construction workers wouldn't take over the world.:D

Lets be serious, i'm not moving to Arkansas, but I do have a fishing problem! Forget the beer, on a very warm June evening, anybody can fill 180qt. cooler with snapper and grouper. The problem is all the prep. and clean up that goes along with it. It's like a mistress with 3 kids, a broken down car and a house. It's not condusive to a successful business.
Lets be serious, i'm not moving to Arkansas, but I do have a fishing problem! Forget the beer, on a very warm June evening, anybody can fill 180qt. cooler with snapper and grouper. The problem is all the prep. and clean up that goes along with it. It's like a mistress with 3 kids, a broken down car and a house. It's not condusive to a successful business.

What kind of boat does she have? Send pic.
Just would like to know ,I have a small electrical contractor , ( one man shop and his son ) that had done some little jobs for us .He claims he clears $ 200,000 + a year .I find it hard to see a 2 man shop making that kind of money .Is he BS me or is that possible ????
Easily possible you need the good customers and lots of work.
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