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Thanks again everybody. :)

I am doing a bit better, my leg still swells up at times, but there is no pain and I am able to breathe better too.

I'm not out of danger yet as there is still residual clot material that has to be broken down and until it is gone there is still a remote chance of a large enough piece causing a stroke or worse.

Last time it took about two to three months for it to be gone, may take about the same this time around.

Stay safe everyone!!
Hi gang:

Another update, things are going much better. The lungs are clear, my leg is pretty much clear and not as prone to swelling, though it still hurts a lot sometimes. :)

I want to express my thanks to everyone who has posted in this thread and all those who have read it anyways.

Work is picking up for me as well so life's pretty good right now. :)
... my leg still swells up at times, but there is no pain ...

... my leg is ... not as prone to swelling, though it still hurts a lot sometimes ...
So, which was better, swelling with no pain, or pain with no swelling? :grin:

You know I wouldn't mess with you, except to cheer you up! :wink:
mxslix...Hope your condition improves.:)

I'm sure that your doctor has told you this, but I'll mention it anyway.
Turnip Greens, and most leafy green vegetables can aggravate this condition.
The high source of Vitamin K in these plants is a factor in blood clotting.

My mother had has this condition for years and takes Coumadin for it, so I've had experience with it's symptoms and causes.

Hi gang:

Another update, things are going much better. The lungs are clear, my leg is pretty much clear and not as prone to swelling, though it still hurts a lot sometimes. :)

I want to express my thanks to everyone who has posted in this thread and all those who have read it anyways.

Work is picking up for me as well so life's pretty good right now. :)
Pleased to hear that you are doing better - best wishes from across the pond.
So, which was better, swelling with no pain, or pain with no swelling? :grin:

You know I wouldn't mess with you, except to cheer you up! :wink:

LOL thanks Larry..oddly enough, I prefer the pain without least I know that a few Tylenol will fix that and that it means there is not a new clot forming. :)

Steve, yeah I learned that early on about the veggies..and Brussels sprouts and leaf spinach were my favs before all this started. Best wishes to you mother too, hope she is doing well. :)

My doctor has cleared me to resume my motocross riding too finally, she's really cool about it. But she of course warned me to be careful.

I'm too old to go as fast as those darned kids anyway. :grin:
It is great to hear that your health is on the upswing. I cannot imagine how difficult it may have been for you and your family lately.
I do believe we are like a family here. We stick together when someone is in need...keep getting better and enjoy every moment you are able to!
Hi Guys, an update, a mixed bag of news this time..

My clots are once again gone, thankfully. My blood INR (thickness) is under good control.

But this past Sunday I went to the doctor because of a minor tightness in my chest..he found irregularities with my ekg and had me transported to the emergency room, he wouldn't let me drive there on my own. Scared me pretty badly, thinking it was something very serious.

Chest Xray was negative, CAT scan was negative (to rule out enlarged heart and lung clots) and my treadmill stress test was good, but it also showed "T-wave on V3" issues. They will be scheduling me for another test to see if anything else is up.

I have been prescribed nitroglycerin for use in case of further chest pressure/pain.

As another bonus, the lab tech during my stay on Monday morning came into the room sneezing and coughing, and she gave me a very bad cold which hit last night.

On the plus side, work's doing good right now. :grin:
Just a word to let you know what a friend of mine went through about 3 months ago.

He went to the hospital with chest pains and not feeling well. They did all the regular tests for heart conditions. He went home and later that night, and he had a "right side" heart attack. It is very hard to diagnose. I do not understand or know much about it, other than it is very difficult to diagnose. Since this is a rare form of heart attack, maybe a whisper in the doctor's ear.
He was 55 years old and passed away the night of the heart attack. He seemed to be in excellent health.

Good luck
Well a visit to my primary doctor and I got more info on what's up next.

I will be getting a "nuclear stress test" Tuesday morning. (They inject a colbalt radioactive dye and view my heart under a flouroscope. )If it shows any blockage, they will repeat the nuclear test at rest. If that is also positive, then I will be facing angioplasty or installation of a stent. I will not know for sure till late Tues.

She told me there is a chance that the nuclear tests can also both come up negative, and that the irregular ekg may not be an issue. Only a small chance of that.

I have been fighting off a bad cold which is adding to the stress of all this.

I thank everyone for their thoughts throughout this thread...I hope things work out and I'll continue to be able to post here for a long time to come.
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