My Apologies

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It still stinks to quote an entire post when you are only commenting on a sentence or two of it.

Edit the extra out of the quote. :)
Totally agree.
I also agree with Little Bill about a poster not referring to the post he is replying to.
I agree with your agreement.

Group hug time ..... :happyno::D

Well I don't want any part of a group hug but, I agree with editing a quote to just the relevant part. :)

I'm not going to fall out with you over this but I will, in a civil manner, disagree with some points you have made. That's what polite discussion is. If we all agreed on everything, there would be nothing to discuss.

You assert that the first paragraph is a thesis setting out the problem.
What's on the table might not be about a problem. It could simply relate to an experience - technical, amusing, unexpected, irksome.....or almost anything.
The middle might explain what you felt about the experience rather than known facts.
And there might be no questions to be asked.

All I'm trying to say is that there is no prescriptive framework that uniquely defines what is good writing.
There is no one size fits all.

But this is moving off topic which is how posts are presented here.
I have mentioned a couple of times in the past to others that huge blocks of text in a single paragraph make posts difficult to read - discouraging to read. Others here obviously feel the same way.

I post here and on other forums and I see things that have spelling and grammatical errors. I rarely comment on them. The internet is a wonderful invention that allows people to communicate freely across different time zones and on an almost infinite variety of topics. My view is that, if the point being made can be understood, the quality of the language is not that important.

Making it easy to read, much more so. And breaking it up into bite sized paragraphs is a big part of that.

Hey I'm with you on everything you said. Not everything is going to be about solving a problem - agreed. Different ways to write regarding different topics.

I was just trying to provide a layout which is very effective in many situations. Get them an overview up front so they know where it's going. Fill in the details. Be clear on what you're asking. That's what most of this forum seems to be - problem solving.

Have a nice day :happyyes:
All the Best

All the Best

Mike if you are in Dallas, Tx. thats my home town.
I have run more than a few service calls there.
The fact that you are aware of punctuation and or grammer is a rare thing in this time.
It seems near constant that many in this forum don't have a clue how to use " a " or " an " correctly.
Its apparently how they came up and a sign of the times which is somewhat saddening.
IN real terms though it does not matter.
Its the thought and the feeling that matters, and the fact that some want to do their very best on all fronts.
With the internet and all its rich resources, those that want to improve any aspect of their lives have never had it better.
There are some words that have always given me a hard time spelling wise. Like recommend.
Online dictionary is right on my toobar.
Yes sir Mr. StarCat I am in Dallas Tx sitting in bumper to bumper traffic. Coming from Saginaw. Going back tomorrow to move a xfmr and LV panel.
Nice to meet you.
Hey I'm with you on everything you said. Not everything is going to be about solving a problem - agreed. Different ways to write regarding different topics.

I was just trying to provide a layout which is very effective in many situations. Get them an overview up front so they know where it's going. Fill in the details. Be clear on what you're asking. That's what most of this forum seems to be - problem solving.

Have a nice day :happyyes:
Thank you for your kind words.

Guy Fawkes.
Remember, remember the 5th of November.
It was a failed attempt to blow up the English Houses of Parliament in about 1605. And no, it wasn't me....:)
I mention it because of the date of your post.
There is an annual commemoration of the event with bonfires burning an effigy of Guy Fawkes and firework displays, often late into the night.
That's just a bit of information for you.

There is a slightly more serious point.
You say be clear on what you're asking.
Yes, much of the forum revolves around problem solving. But sometimes we just offer advice, comment, or information. No asking involved.
Pl us electric ians seem to be no torious bad spell ers. Think how man y times you have had to re pair an outlet in a dinning room, or shut off a bre ker labeled batroom that also kil led the furnance...:lol:
I d like to mention that this is a really good forum site, the things that apply I take note of and those don't I let go by.
Of all the differences I Have read on this thread the thing they all have in common is they are ways to better help the poster. That's amazing.
I d like to mention that this is a really good forum site, the things that apply I take note of and those don't I let go by.
Of all the differences I Have read on this thread the thing they all have in common is they are ways to better help the poster. That's amazing.

Yes, I am also amazed by the wealth and breadth of the knowledge here and the fact that the members so freely share.

I am truly grateful to be a part of this forum. For myself, I freely admit that I get more out of this forum than I could ever give back. The members here are incredibly knowledgeable.
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