Neat Romex Job

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Nice job

Nice job

That really looks great, I don't know if anyone asked this yet as it is a little hard to see the spacing but would any of that be considered bundling? Judging by the number of runs, I don't think there would be a lot of inductive heating but just curious.
These could never compare.

These could never compare.

Like the title says, these can't compare with that 'mainframe' but they are simple and pretty neat. Don't mind that one cable running across the was just temporary for some electric heat.
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Still on '05

Still on '05

Why do you ask? Lack of AFCI's? This is actually a pretty old picture and was on the '02 if you can believe it.
Like the title says, these can't compare with that 'mainframe' but they are simple and pretty neat. Don't mind that one cable running across the was just temporary for some electric heat.

Why wasn't the panel flipped so the main lugs are on the same end as the conduit? ? Neat job otherwise.
This would not fly in Oregon. The owner of the home will have plenty of places to hang his yard tools.

You're kidding right? :-? Is this really an issue?

Here in New England we don't have "exposed romex phobia" and I never see people hanging things off of cables the way everyone in other parts of the country think they do. People generally understand that wires are not suitable for hanging stuff. ;)
I find it interesting that many feel neat romex is a waste of time but it appears no one would tolerate a crappy pipe job. :-? If it is exposed I would expect it to look good-- maybe the guy who did this is the boss and is on a contract-- who cares? It looks great.
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