NEC 110.26(B) and trash cans

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Well I don't think that has anything to do with trash cans.
The fire report would describe their contents as the "Form of material first ignited." No trash fire or other fire impinging on the panel enclosure no electrical burn down.
I say fine em for all they're worth.

I'm for any rule that keeps crap out of the way of a panel when I show up to work on it. :)

I'm a little disappointed that the discussion is revolving around convenience and dictionary definitions, and missing the bigger picture.

If somebody makes contact with a live wire and is in the throes of tetanic spasms, somebody needs to turn the breaker off NOW.
You don't obstruct access to panels, (or fire extinguishers, or emergency exits) EVER.

Not to make light of the situation, but, If you're working on an energized panel without the proper PPE and getting shocked, You are the obstruction in the way of someone trying to get to the breaker to shut it off.

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