K8MHZ is following the correct logic for lightning strikes.
It's not just the current but the voltage in lightning that does the damage. The corona and ionization is created when the voltage exceeds the dielectric breakdown of the air. At that point the air becomes the best conductor.
DC tends to use the conductor cross-section while high frequency AC uses the surface. When the lightning ionizes the air (actually turns it to plasma) the lightning flows through the ionized air (plasma).
Plasma is attracted to the conductor because plasma carries a charge. The charge naturally would like to flow through the conductor rather than push through non-ionized air. There just isn't enough "space". So the plasma uses its mass to push through non-ionized air but is attracted to the copper pathway. A sharp bend can cause the inertia of the plasma to overcome the attraction to the conductor.
It's not just the current but the voltage in lightning that does the damage. The corona and ionization is created when the voltage exceeds the dielectric breakdown of the air. At that point the air becomes the best conductor.
DC tends to use the conductor cross-section while high frequency AC uses the surface. When the lightning ionizes the air (actually turns it to plasma) the lightning flows through the ionized air (plasma).
Plasma is attracted to the conductor because plasma carries a charge. The charge naturally would like to flow through the conductor rather than push through non-ionized air. There just isn't enough "space". So the plasma uses its mass to push through non-ionized air but is attracted to the copper pathway. A sharp bend can cause the inertia of the plasma to overcome the attraction to the conductor.