Need 3-way sw help

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480sparky said:
I learned 3-ways and 4-ways from an instruction who gave use three things:
1. a sheet of paper
2. a pencil
3. a meter

Give the people that and make them figure it out themselves.
What did you use the meter for? ;)

Add a handful of switches to the list, and I'd agree.
3 way

3 way

Show them two peace signs and point them toward one another and explain that the base of the peace symbol on one side goes to power and the base on the other side goes to the device...This works well with my guys
Power< >device point is either and then the other is whats left...@power or device
LarryFine said:
What did you use the meter for? ;)

Add a handful of switches to the list, and I'd agree.

So they can figure out that a 3-way is simply as SPDT, and a 4-way is two of them working together.
Need 3 way sw help

Need 3 way sw help

Charlie B, I don't think you could show it any better. As usual you came through. I enjoyed the web site. I know how all this works but I have a hard time putting it in writing. Semper Fi
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