Never in In all my days...

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Just wondering but is the pvc used for plumbing made of a different type of material or should I seem to wonder does electrical pvc conduit have a more resistance to like shorts in wiring and such,besides the 90's and such what is the difference?
Just wondering but is the pvc used for plumbing made of a different type of material or should I seem to wonder does electrical pvc conduit have a more resistance to like shorts in wiring and such,besides the 90's and such what is the difference?

The color! :cool:
Just wondering but is the pvc used for plumbing made of a different type of material

It might be the same but the point is we do not know as it is not listed as PVC conduit.

PVC conduit must have certain flame characteristics along with sunlight resistance. I have no idea if plumbing pipe has the same rules. :)
Montgomery Co. PA

My appologies to all the Hoosiers. It's my understanding Pennylsvania like Indiana has no state issued electrical license.
Some counties have no ispections offices. You can build homes with out permits. Except from the health department for the sewer system.
Wow...............Wow................and ...........................................WOW.

Allo I can say is thee must have been a lot of left over pvc frm another job.
I can't see how anyone could even think of doing it that way. Where does one get such a vision. How can you go to the big box and go down the electrical isle and then say Hey I know thet gots some of those in the plumbing isle.... good grief batman!
Just wondering but is the pvc used for plumbing made of a different type of material or should I seem to wonder does electrical pvc conduit have a more resistance to like shorts in wiring and such,besides the 90's and such what is the difference?

Many plumbing pipes that size are cellular core.
That is unreal, at least they have room for expansion. I can only guess, they 'got what they paid for' (wink)
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About 20 years ago some homeowner did his own wiring to a shop. He used plumbing pipe to the building. The inspector looked at it and told him it needed to be the gray stuff. So the ho painted it and the inspector said I guess that will be okay and passed it. True story.

But these pictures take the cake.
hey moe no wonder it doesn't work there are wires in these pipes

hey moe no wonder it doesn't work there are wires in these pipes

My appologies to all the Hoosiers. It's my understanding Pennylsvania like Indiana has no state issued electrical license.
Some counties have no ispections offices. You can build homes with out permits. Except from the health department for the sewer system.

It?s sad, but true. While some of us go through a five year apprenticeship, take local city journeyman licensing exams, and pay a yearly fee to keep a license, there are people out there who happen to have a pick up truck and a ladder and can call themselves electricians.
About 20 years ago some homeowner did his own wiring to a shop. He used plumbing pipe to the building. The inspector looked at it and told him it needed to be the gray stuff. So the ho painted it and the inspector said I guess that will be okay and passed it. True story.

But these pictures take the cake.
Awesome! The next time I need some 4/0 and only have some 1/0, I'll just whip out my Sharpie and re-label the wire: good to go!;)
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